A Secret Fresh Start: Former Palestinian Collaborators Forge New Life in Israel

From a plastic chair on his front porch Samir looked out over a garden neatly planted with rose bushes. In this house Samir, his wife, and five of their children are living a new...

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on her way to Israel… Contradicts Four U.S....

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, on her way to Israel, called Jewish settlement building "a problem" and said Israel had not done enough to ease restrictions on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank....

Former ISS (Shabak) section chief Menachem Landau slams PM Olmert’s plans to release more...

Former ISS (Shabak) section chief Menachem Landau slammed PM Ehud Olmert's plans to release more Palestinian prisoners as a goodwill gesture to PA head Mahmoud Abbas in a live interview broadcast on Israel Radio's...

While Hamas English website blames Israel, Hamas Arabic website admits house exploded by Hamas

#1 Arabic website Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades - the armed branch of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Falqassam.ps%2Farabic%2F&hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=ar&tl=en Qassam: Martyrs of Beit Lahia risen and they put the finishing touches to the task of jihad special 2008-06-13 The...

Israel’s High Court of Justice: Convicted Palestinian Will Not Be Executed

Israel's High Court of Justice: Convicted Palestinian Will Not Be Executed Shurat HaDin has been informed by Israeli government sources that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has made formal assurances that it will not carry out...

U.S. Government delaying provision of evidence against Olmert

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Tova Tzimuki reports today that the U.S. Justice Department has already delayed approving the opening of financial and legal records relating to the Israeli investigation of Talansky and the transfer of...

Antisemitism Embedded in British Culture

Antisemitism has been present in Great Britain for almost a thousand years of recorded history. In the twelfth century, Catholic medieval Britain was a persecutory society, particularly when it came to Jews. It pioneered...

She’s not all pure: An Assessment of Tzippi Livni

While it is certainly time for Israel to once again have a woman prime minister - if only to make life uncomfortable for Shas and the other chauvinists around the cabinet table - this...

Syria reiterates Support to the Palestinian people, al-Mikdad says [i.e, Right of Return]

Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal al-Mikdad on Tuesday renewed Syria's support to the Palestinian people and their fair cause until their lands are liberated and the Palestinian refugees are back home. "Syria is working to help...

Friendly Foreign Leader Snubs Israel: Symptom of Israel’s Moral Leadership Crisis

Not many foreign heads of state stand up for Israel. When that does happen, it is newsworthy. Such is the case with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. During the Summer 2006 Lebanon conflict, Harper rejected calls...