Rabbi David Saperstein Gives Keynote Address at Global Interreligious Conference

MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec. 3, 2009 - Rabbi David Saperstein, Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, was invited to give one of the keynote addresses at last night’s opening plenary at the...

Darwish Engagement Canceled At Princeton

Jerusalem - For more than a generation, people who follow the Arab-Israeli War wonder if articulate Arab spokespeople will emerge to express genuine recognition of Israel, with a clear and unambiguous desire for peace. Seven...

The Speech that I Would Have Given at Princeton

http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=116982 Posted: November 24, 2009 1:00 am Eastern By Nonie Darwish © 2009 On Nov. 17 and 18, I was to speak at Columbia and Princeton Universities on "Shariah Law and Perspectives on Israel" - but hours before I...

Philadelphia Attorney Asks US Justice Department to Investigate “Peace Now” as an Unregistered Agent...

29.11.09 Atty. Lee Bender is the head of the Philadelphia based ISRAEL ADVOCACY COMMITTEE, which has perused documentation which shows that the government of Norway has allocated a new grant to "Peace Now" in the...


A huge stream of capital flows to academic institutions in the West. It greases and inflames the next generation of Islamic radicals and academics who will supply them with insights and justifications. This capital...

Radical Israeli Professor Turned Home Into Refuge for Convicted Palestinian

Jerusalem - Dr. Neve Gordon of Israel’s Ben Gurion University is known as one of Israel’s most radical academic Palestinian sympathizers. However, his activities appear to have peaked this year with a call for...

Hate Radio: The long, toxic afterlife of Nazi propaganda in the Arab world

http://chronicle.com/article/Hate-Radio-Nazi-Propaganda-in/49199/ Between 1939 and 1945, shortwave radio transmitters near Berlin broadcast Nazi propaganda in many languages around the world, including Arabic throughout the Middle East and North Africa, and Persian programs in Iran. English-language transcripts of the...

Norway, Israel and the Jews

JCPA seminar 19 November 2009 I asked myself what would have happened if I had to give a lecture on Norway, Switzerland and the Swiss in Norway. I looked in Google and I did not...


In his column of November 20, “Salam Fayyad builds Palestine,” http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1258624595789&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull Jerusalem Post Editor David Horovitz describes “two staunch Jewish supporters of Israel” - Senator Joe Lieberman, former vice presidential candidate, and Representative Howard Berman, chairman...

The Amos Kennan Precedent: Why IDF Soldiers Resist Orders to Demolish Communities

This past week in Israel, Israeli soldiers from elite Israeli army units erected huge signs on their barracks which proclaimed they would refuse orders to remove Jewish communities, if ordered to do so. These soldiers...