The Amos Kennan Precedent: Why IDF Soldiers Resist Orders to Demolish Communities

This past week in Israel, Israeli soldiers from elite Israeli army units erected huge signs on their barracks which proclaimed they would refuse orders to remove Jewish communities, if ordered to do so. These soldiers...

One Year After the Islamic Terror Attack on Beit Chabad in Mumbai: Perspective...

Dr. Brian Trappler is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at SUNY Downstate and the author of “Modern Terrorism and Psychological Trauma.” His second book, “Identifying and Recovering from Psychological Trauma” (Richard Altschuler and Associates) was released in Feb 2009. For more information visit

Lawrence of Palestine

Marc served as Chief Army Security Coordinator for the Shilo Region in Israel from 1996 through 2006. Marc coordinated all security related issues ranging from counter-terrorism defense to emergency response and management. Today Marc consults and lectures on various aspects of counter-terrorism. Marc is still involved in the planning and implementation of security operations. Marc also serves the One Israel Fund as its new Security Projects Director and oversees all aspects of lifeâ€saving security projects for One Israel Fund in the areas of Judea and Samaria. Marc is also active in support of these critically needed programs and makes frequent trips to the US lecturing about security in Judea and Sameria. He made Aliyah from the U.S. in 1978, and now lives in Shiloh, Israel, with his wife and four children.

GOLDSTONE DEBATES GOLD: The Great Debate – A first hand account

For over ten minutes out of a total of twenty, Richard Goldstone explained that Israel had a right to defend itself, that Hamas had committed war crimes and that he sympathized with the sufferings of...

Sderot Residents Fed Up with Judge Goldstone as Gaza Rocket Fire Continues

Sderot and western Negev residents experienced another week of sporadic rocket fire from northern Gaza as the General Assembly of the United Nations began its debate on the Goldstone probe into alleged Israeli war...


About The Author

Dr. Alex Grobman is a Hebrew University trained historian. His is the author of a number of books, including Nations United: How The U.N. Undermines Israel and The West, Denying History: Who Says The Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It? and a forthcoming book on Israel's moral and legal right to exist as a Jewish State.

Israel At War With the New York TImes

The days of quiet diplomacy between the government of Israel and the New York Times are over. Israel has declared an uprecedented war against the New York Times, for what it calls tendentious and unfair...

Ten Obstacles to Middle East Peace

1. November 2, 2009 marked the 92nd anniversary of Balfour day, which led to the 1922 San Remo Treaty and to the 1924 League of Nations ratification of the San Remo Treaty, which recognized...

Gaza Tunnels Significantly Increase In 2009

The Middle East Newsline reports and confirms that the Hamas regime has approved a huge increase in the number of smuggling tunnels from the Gaza Strip to neighboring Egypt. Palestinian sources said tunnels that span...

Palestinian Schoolbooks: An Updated Conclusion

Arnon Groiss1 29 October 2009 In the final report on the PA schoolbooks issued by IMPACT-SE in March 2008 under the title “Palestinian Textbooks: From Arafat to Abbas and Hamas” we checked the attitude reflected in these books...