Israeli Opposition Leader Elon Proposes Alternative Peace Plan

A leading member of Israel's Knesset, Member Rabbi Benjamin Elon, the chairman of the nine-member National Union opposition party, presented a new political plan, called "The Israeli Initiative," Monday, based on the rehabilitation of...

Incisive Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: October 9, 2007 "Speechless?" Not quite. It takes a lot to render me speechless. But the events of the last few days push me in that direction. The foolishness, the essential errors in thinking, the...

Was The Mohammed A-Dura Case Fabricated?

Seven years have passed, yet the controversy over the death of the boy Mohammed a-Dura at Netzarim junction in the Gaza Strip refuses to die down. Dozens of journalists, academics and investigators have examined the...

Preventing a Terror State

The Bush administration and the Olmert government have determined that - in order to serve their perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria....

Four Questions for Reporters to Ask in the New Year

On July 15th, 2007, Israel Resource News Agency placed four questions of consequence to the governments of the United States and Israel concerning the Fatah: 1. The Israel Ministry of Justice and the United...

Germany’s Economic Ties To Iran

German engineer Heinz Mebus made contact with Iran through A.Q. Khan in 1987, before he worked on the Pakistani nuclear weapon program. In 2006, Germany was Iran's biggest trade partner with 4.1 billion euro turnaround....

Former Israeli Defence Minister Proposes To Free Fatah Secretary Marwan Barghouti

A senior Israeli cabinet minister and former Israeli minister of defense, Binyamin Ben Eliezer, has proposed that the jailed Fatah secretary Gen. Marwan Barghouti, be released from an Israeli prison in exchange for kidnapped...

Hamas Said To Be Training In Judea and Samaria

The Middle East News Line has confirmed that Hamas has been secretly training paramilitary forces in Judea and Samaria, also known as the West Bank. Palestinian Authority (PA) security sources said Hamas' Executive Force has...

About 100 Shells Fired In One Week On Israeli Kibbutz

Sderot is not alone: Within a week, about 100 mortar shells have been fired at Kibbutz Kerem Shalom in the western Negev. Unlike the city that is plagued with Kassam rockets, no Red Color alert...

Incisive Commentary from the Past Ten Days

"A Pre-Sukkot Contemplation" I received an e-mail from a very serious reader (who shall remain anonymous here, as I've not received permission to use his name). Things are dire, he told me with a heavy...