Baker Hamilton Report Analyzed

Her Iraq Study Group report did more than merely live down to its advance billing. Its authors are now revealed to be as intellectually deficient as they are morally malodorous. Calling these people 'realists'...

HUDNA” -WINKED: Mistranslation of an Arabic term which does not connote “cease fire”

Over the past few weeks, almost all of the western media have mistranslated the term "hudna" to mean a "ceasefire". A "hudna" connotes a respite in a war between Islamic forces & non-Islamic forces. The authoritative...

Security Guarantees for Israel from the US – Remember the Sinai, 50 Years Ago

The Baker report, mandates that Israel... "Return the Golan to Syria, with US security guarantees to Israel" Exactly fifty years ago, Israel took the Sinai in a defensive war, with firm US security guarantees to...

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev: Syria’s recognition of Turkish sovereignty in Alexandretta precedent for Golan

Shmuel (Sammy) Bar-Lev, chairman of the Katzrin local council, suggested this morning in a live interview on Israel Radio that Syria reach peace with Israel as it did with Turkey - with the Syrians...

IDF Intelligence Testimony: ‘Calm’ Gives Terror Organization Leaders No Fear Of Harm

The director of the investigative department of the IDF's Intelligence Branch, Brig. Gen. Yossi Baidetz,told the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the calm allows the leaders of the Palestinian organizations' military wings to...

Commentary: the Baker-Hamilton Report

The Baker-Hamilton Report has been released. We already knew about the approach of appeasement it recommended: Engage Iran and Syria on the issue of Iraq. But there is more. It is not just appeasement,...

Commentary: Appeasement Now

Caroline Glick's first line in her column yesterday: "The world has gone mad." She then proceeds to explain the many reasons why this is so. For example: "As the Palestinians push forward with their Iranian-sponsored,...

Fateh Central Committee Hails Abbas’ Efforts to Form National Unity Gov’t

Fateh Central Committee hailed Monday President Mahmoud Abbas for his true efforts to form a national unity government which are aiming at ending the current crisis faced by the Palestinian people. The Committee held today...

Commentary: The Warnings of Israeli Intelligence

Israeli Military Intelligence, as reported in the Jerusalem Post, now indicates that, for the past four months, long range missiles and advanced anti-tank missiles have been smuggled to Hezbollah, coming over the border from...

Jimmy Carter Talks of Funeral Plans For Himself

Sunday, December 3, 2006 9:38 p.m. EST Jimmy Carter Talks of Funeral Plans Former President Jimmy Carter said Sunday he hopes to be buried in front of his home in Plains, the southwest Georgia town where...