Background: In absence of continuous rocket fire…

In the absence of continuous rocket fire, it should be fairly easy for Prime Minister Olmert's team to adopt the "three monkey mode" (hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil) towards large...

PA press release: Insist on Right of Retrurn and Jerusalerm

Spokesperson of Presidency: We Need Serious Negotiations and Actions not only Words GAZA, November 27, 2006 - Spokesperson of the Presidency, Nabil abu Rdaina, said Monday that any political negotiation with Israel must depend...

Palestinian-Israeli “Ceasefire” Already A Dud

Israel and the Palestinian Authority began a "ceasefire" Sunday morning that was highly unusual in several ways: • The Hamas terror organization promised immediately that it would use the respite to continue weapons smuggling and...

“Israel knowingly undertaking risk terrorist organizations will exploit cease-fire to rearm and rebuild infrastructure”

As part of the cease-fire announced this morning (Sunday, 26 November 2006), Israel has begun withdrawing all of its forces from the Gaza Strip. This decision was taken in an effort on Israel's part both...

PLO News Agency report of ceasefire makes no mention of arms smuggling or missile...

{with thanks to Dr. Aaron Lerner of IMRA for locating this article) President Orders Apparatuses to Follow up Halting Rockets towards Israel GAZA, November 26, 2006, (WAFA - PLO news agency)- President Mahmoud Abbas...

Why the cease-fire will allow the Palestinians to re-arm

Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Mr. Ehud Olmert's decision to allow "Karine A Gaza" to grow - to be joined by "Karine A West Bank" - in return for a chance that the rockets...


Alex Fishman, the top military intelligence analyst for Israel's leading newspaper, Yediot Aharonot, has provided the public with documentation that Hamas's military industry in the Gaza Strip is preparing to independently manufacture a rocket modeled...

The Death of Yaakov Yaakobov – Killed in Sderot by an Arab Missile –...

An Israeli civilian, the second in a single week, was killed on Wednesday yesterday during an Arab missile attack on Sderot. Yaakov Yaakobov, a 40-year-old resident of this southern Israeli border town who worked at...

Of clowns and Kassams

It's Thursday morning, and we're awakened at about the same hour we usually are this week by the sound of sirens, seemingly set to coincide with the time when all the children of Sderot...

Sderot; A Town Under Siege

The international outrage machine is ginned up again, and all but seven members of the U.N. General Assembly recently voted to condemn Israel for its military incursion into Gaza. The buzzword, recycled from Israel's...