Israel The Liberator

Until Israel defines its objective as final victory, Islam will not leave it alone. But we don't need to bomb the whole pyramid of jihad to smithereens. We need to pull out the cornerstones...

Netanyahu: Israel Must Finish the Job

NewsMax senior correspondent and Middle East expert Kenneth R. Timmerman is in Israel reporting on the conflict there. Timmerman reports from Kiryat Shemona in this exclusive interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Former...

Hezbollah’s War

"Here is the president of terror," proclaims a Hizballah propaganda film montage on Al-Manar television, showing the face of President Bush alongside an American flag. As faces of dead and wounded children appear on...

EVERY SECOND COUNTS: TRUE STORIES FROM ISRAEL, by Richard Oesterman, Gefen Publishing House, New...

The human face which lies behind every news story in Israel remains the bread and butter of every good reporter who covers the fledgling Jewish state. Richard Oesterman, a Danish born journalist who has covered...

13 thoughts for war time: The Only quiet areas right now are Judea and...

Even the most extreme leftists are reconsidering: maybe it isn't about the occupation after all 1. I bought a flag for my car. Nothing special, small on a white plastic stand that sticks to the...

Israel agrees to halt Israel Air Force activity for 48 hrs

As the US Secretary of State left Israel, the Israeli government agreed to suspend air force activity in Lebanon for the next 48 hours. The agreement is meant to allow Lebanese to leave their...

Judgment Day, Iranian Style

With the international community focused on Iran's quest to develop nuclear weapons, little attention has been paid to Tehran's preparations for a possible showdown with America and its allies. For more than a year,...

Apocalypse Postponed: The Process of Weakening Iran

The current conflict between Israel and Hizballah terrorists is the first step to weakening the power of Iran in the Middle East In an interview broadcast on July 23 on the Iranian News Channel, Iranian...

When NGO’s Take Sides

This op-ed was originally published in The Jerusalem Post The war with Hizbullah, like all Israel's confrontations with terror groups in the past decade, includes a political front that is as important and complex as...

Abbas’s PBC TV: Palestinian who who tried to kill policemen… a martyr

On Thursday, July 27th, an armed Palestinian approached a police checkpoint manned by Israeli policemen and national guardsmen. The armed man opened fire, seriously wounding two of the policemen. He was then killed by...