Pre-Occupied Israelis Again Quit Gaza, Without Achieving Goals

Israel, which is pre-occupied with Lebanon, pulled most of its forces from Gaza Tuesday morning, both Israel and the Palestinians said, without having achieved Israel's two main goals: The release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit,...

UNRWA: The Perennial Obstacle To Peace

"I'm from Chicago, and I know corruption when I find it!" This is how Congressman Mark Steven Kirk (R-Ill.) initiated his dissection of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) during a Capital Hill seminar...

New York Times decision to feature a morgue of dead Lebanese civilians on the...

From my perspective as a trained social work professional who works in the media, it was both shocking and inappropriate to see how the New York Times chose to run a five column picture...

Kibbut Nir Am and Sderot – the human side of towns under fire

Kibbutz Nir Am is a small community on the immediate outskirts of Sderot. It is so close to Sderot that many Kibbutz members walk to Synagogues there for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, and other...

Israel Dispatches Infantry Into Southern Lebanon

Israel has dispatched infantry units into Lebanon. Israeli infantry and engineering units have been sent into Lebanon for an assault on Hizbullah positions and strongholds near the Israeli border. The soldiers were said to be...

Analysis: Does The Bush Administration Constrain Israel?

The Hizbullah has launched a war of extermination against the Jewish people in the land of Israel. Yet in terms of US policy, the question must be raised: Does the Bush administration now advocate two...

Middle East News Line Conducts Interview with MK Yuval Shteinitz: “Hizbullah Harmed Strategically”

The Middle East News Line conducted Israel's air war in Lebanon has already caused strategic damage to the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah, a leading parliamentarian said. Yuval Steinitz, deputy chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense...

Hizballah Sends Mixed Message, Denying Haifa Bombing, Yet Continues Threats And Nazi-Like Symbols

Hizballah again denied Friday morning that it was responsible for the bombing of the Israeli port city of Haifa yesterday, yet the Islamic organization continues to threaten Israel often using Nazi-like symbols such as...

The Three Factors Responsible for Today’s War in the North and South

There are three factors that have caused today's war on the northern and southern front of Israel: The US Government Obsession with the "1967 Lines", as dictated to Israel. The May 2000 policy of Israeli PM...

Inside Israel’s Air Offensive in Lebanon

Israel has launched its first major offensive in Lebanon since 2000. Israel Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighter-jets struck suspected Hizbullah strongholds in such cities as Beirut and Tyre as well as missile arsenals throughout...