LBJ Grandaughter: Now A Jew, Married to Grandson of Concentration Camp Survivor, Sheds Light...

Claudia Taylor Brod never met her grandfather, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president of the United States. She inherited his legacy through history books, old family photos and countless stories from her grandmother, Claudia "Lady...

Analysis: Arafat to Exploit Ruling for Sympathy, Control

Ever since he arrived in the Gaza Strip in 1994, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has been seeking to internationalize the conflict with Israel by involving as many countries as possible. His objective is...

President Katzav Visits Gush Katif

Carrying black flags, the children of Gush Katif greeted the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katsav and his wife Rachel, on their visit to Gush Katif, the Jewish area of Gaza planned for expulsion. In...

The Brains Behind The Outpost War

The issue of the outposts is stuck like a bone in the Israeli government's throat. Ariel Sharon's promise to the American administration to evacuate all the outposts that were established since he assumed office, remains...

UNRWA Summer Killing School

Children as young as 10 are being recruited to fight for the Palestinian cause. Sky News has gained access to a young people's camp in Gaza, where the only lesson taught is how to kill...

How Sharon Can Implement His Plan Without Knesset Approval or Israel Finance Ministry Funding

Giora Eiland, head of the Israel National Security Council, working directly under the authority invested in him by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon,informed the foreign media on June 20th, 2004 that Arik Sharon cannot...

Enemies on the Right and Left in Israel

It is indeed unfortunate that the GSS needs to protect the prime minister from criminals who apparently wish to harm him. But with all due respect to the habitually shocked, those who belong to...

When Marlin Brando Spoke Up for the Jews

Marlon Brando deserves to be remembered not only for his theatrical accomplishments, but also as one of the first public figures in post-World War II America to speak out about the failure of the...

Hart N. Hasten, An Autobiography “I Shall Not Die”

At the opening ceremony of the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, I stood in a modern, well-lit square room among many prominent leaders, politicians, donors, and supporters of Menachem Begin. As the hum of the...

Senior Israeli Government Official

A senior Israeli government official met with the foreign media based in Jerusalem on Sunday evening to screen a computer graph which envisioned an evacuation timetable from the 21 Katif Jewish communities contiguous to...