Refused Israeli Citizenship Because He Went Through Orthodox Jewish Conversion

A. T. went through Orthodox conversion in July 2002 at the Jerusalem Rabbinate, after completing the conversion course at Machon Meir. A. T. was refused Israeli citizenship on June 26th, 2003 at the Israel Ministry...

Dennis Ross Declares Tanzim to be Peaceful And Trusts Abu Mazen Like He Trusted...

After a week of violence that followed the Aqaba summit, most Middle East observers are pessimistic about breaking the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. Yet after a week of extensive discussions with both sides, I believe it's...

World Jewish Congress Exposes UNRWA Refugee Camps as Bases for Terror

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has been co-opted by Palestinian terrorists, turning refugee camps into bases for the recruitment, training and dispatching of suicide bombers and other killers, according to the...

Will Egypt Expedite Arming Terrorists Via Terror Highway?

It appears that Israel may have essentially agreed to an arrangement under which massive quantities of weapons can be moved from Egypt into the Gaza Strip without interference so long as the weapons are...

The Abu Mazen File and the Akiva Eldar File

The Abu Mazen File During the current negotiations, the US, the EU, the Canadian government and even the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs have stressed their perennial optimism concerning the appointment of Abu Mazen as...

US Stops Israel from Apprehending Hamas Leaders in Gaza

Carmella Menashe, the Voice of Israel Radio military orrespondent, confirmed (on the June 22nd Sunday morning radio newsreels of 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.) from senior IDF sources that the US prevents the IDF...

Israeli Electronic Media Will Not Report That the PBC Justified the Murder of a...

IMRA distributed Dr. Michael Widlanski's translations of the official Palestinian Authority's PBC Voice of Palestine Radio coverage of the murder of seven-year-old Noam Leibovitch, when the PBC described it on its Wednesday morning 7:30...

The Drive-by Murder of Noam, a Seven Year Girl

Yediot Aharonot (June 19,2003) (p. 1) by Rivka Freilich -- "Every time I shut my eyes, I see my little girl," says Galit Leibowitz, her eyes moist from tears. So Galit remains awake. She...

Killing KAWASME: The Ramifications

Yedioth Aharonot (June 22, 2003)(p. 2) by Roni Shaked -- Israel settled an open account yesterday with Abdullah Abed Elkader Kawasme, 35, the number one Hamas wanted man in the West Bank, who was...

“Hudna”: What We can Learn from the Koranic Tradition

Truly a "Hudna Civic"? Yedioth Aharonot (June 19, 2003)(p. 2) by Sever Plotzker -- The hudna means a temporary cessation of hostile actions among Moslem communities and/or between them and the outside world. The hudna...