Preparing for the Next Murdered Jew
- The saying is that a smart man learns from his own experience, while the wise man learns from the experience of others. What can be said about a person who has not learned...
Washington’s Betrayal
From the beginning of May until last Tuesday, the Palestinians carried out 323 terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. That is an average of 12 per day. These attacks include suicide bombings, penetrations of Israeli...
95.4% of Palestinian ArabRefugees Assert their Right of Return
May 31, 2003, - 95,4 % of respondents affirmed their clutching to the Right to return along together with the compensations while 4. 6% opposed. Meanwhile 91% affirmed their strong opposition to the principle...
The “Vision of Peace” according to Hamas
I speak publicly more and more frequently about the experience my family and I have gone through since our daughter Malka Chana z"l was murdered 21 months ago in Jerusalem. It sometimes happens that...
CIA Resumes Training PLO Security Forces
A team of CIA monitors and advisers on security have arrived in Cairo, and will soon move to the Gaza Strip, senior Palestinian Authority sources told The Jerusalem Post. The team will advise the...
Road Map Rekindles Arab War for the “Right of Return”
"The Americans rejected one of Israel's central demands, which states that the Palestinian Arabs would agree to concede the right of return in return for Israel's recognition of a Palestinian Arab state. They also...
Text of Powell/Rice Statement
Statement by Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice
The roadmap was presented to the Government of Israel with a request from the President that it respond with contributions to...
Arafat Remains in Charge, Says Abu Mazen
Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) said President Yasser Arafat (Abu Ammar) remains in charge despite a US and Israeli refusal to deal with him, and said his stamp of approval should precede...
US State Department Official William Burns
Assistant Secretary of State William Burns, under fire from conservatives for recent remarks in Jerusalem that disparaged the president and his supporters, has a history of cozying up to radical Muslims who oppose peaceful...
Islamic Movement Targeted
Ma'ariv (p. 2) by Ami Ben-David, Ben Caspit and Amir Gilat -- Israeli officials have become concerned lately about the escalation in the activity of the Islamic Movement's northern chapter and its increasingly close...