300,000 Cars Stolen and Transferred to Areas Under the Control of the Palestinian Authority

The most successful source of income in the areas under control of the Palestinian Authority is the theft of vehicles from Israel, carried out under the sponsorship of the PA. Over the last decade...

Briefing with Defence Expert Richard Perle Concerning Saudi Arabia

A briefing given last month to a top Pentagon advisory board described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States, and recommended that U.S. officials give it an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism...

Al-Jazeera vs. The Israel Government Press Office

There is one thing that all the sides involved in the matter agree on: the Prime Minister's Office, the Foreign Ministry and the Defense Ministry agree with the Al-Jazeera TV station only as to...

Legal Action in France Against Al Aharam – Anti-Semitic Jewish Campaign Faces Litigation

Whoever thinks the French are all hostile towards Israel, can find a certain comfort in the following: a court in Paris is currently carrying out an investigation against the Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram, on suspicion...

The Peace Now Survey Critique: Confimation of Pragmatic Settler Trend Does Not Mean What...

As a journalist who has lived in and covered the Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Katif for the past 15 years, I can affirm the findings reported by Americans for Peace Now co-chairman...

The Consistent “Peace Now” Position: Jews Must Leave Their Communities in Judea and Samaria

Israeli politics may, at times, seem absurd. But nothing is more absurd than allowing a handful of hardcore ideologues in the settlement movement to hold an entire nation hostage to its beliefs. The Israeli Peace...

“Easing the Palestine’s Humanitarian Crisis”

A consensus has emerged in the Middle East, among people of otherwise widely divergent views, on one point: something must be done for ordinary families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They face...

Critique of Hansen Op-ed

Mr. Peter Hansen, the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief Works Agency, in a NYT op-ed on July 30, 2002, "Easing Palestine's Humanitarian Crisis", and in an IHT op-ed on July 31, 2002, correctly...

Three bodies, Nine Orphans

Three members of the Dickstein family who were killed in Friday's terror attack in the Hebron hills were laid to rest yesterday. The funeral cortege of Yossi and Hani Dickstein and their son Shuva-el...

Surviving Orphan of the Dickstein Family: “The Terrorist Looked Us in the Eye and...

"Where will we sit shiva"? "Where will we live?" "Who will be our adoptive parents?"; These difficult and heart-rending questions were asked yesterday by the nine surviving Dickstein children who lost their parents and their nine-year-old brother...