Taleb A-Sana MK (United Arab List) lavished praise on the terrorist attack near Tel...

Taleb A-Sana MK (United Arab List) yesterday lavished praise on the terrorist attack at the Tel Aviv Kirya in an interview with Abu Dhabi television. "This is an attack of special quality," A-Sana said, "because...

General Sharon on the Ground

This week Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was reminded of an officer by the name of Amnon Schwartzburg, a member of Kibbutz Beit Alpha, whom he had recommended for a favorable citation after the paratrooper...

Will US Military Observers Return in Body Bags?

During US Secretary of State Colin Powell's June 28th visit to Israel, Powell announced that the US would dispatch military "observers" to oversee implementation of US-brokered accords between Israel and the PLO. On July...

What is Happening on the Temple Mount – Tisha B’av 5761?

Members of the "Committee to Prevent Archaeological Destruction on the Temple Mount" include A. B. Yehoshua, Amos Oz and S. Yizhar, former justices Meir Shamgar and Miriam Ben-Porat, as well as many archaeologists. The committee...

Joint Statement of Israeli Peace Now and PLO

NO TO BLOODSHED, NO TO OCCUPATION YES TO NEGOTIATIONS, YES TO PEACE We, the undersigned Israelis and Palestinians, are meeting in the most difficult of circumstances for both our peoples. We come together to call for...

Arafat’s New Army

On Tuesday, a few hours after Yuri Gushtzin was murdered and his body dumped near the slaughterhouse in Ramallah, the "el-Aksa Martyrs Brigades," the military arm of Fatah, took responsibility for the murder. The announcement...

Arafat Negotiates with Hamas

Will Have to Compromise With Hamas Yedioth Ahronoth (p. B9) by Roni Shaked -- Gaza, unlike the West Bank, is a powder-keg for Arafat too. Hamas has been flourishing, especially in the past few months,...

President Arafat Received the Letter of Credentials of the new German Ambassador And the...

GAZA - July 28 - WAFA (Official Palestine News Agency) - President Yasser Arafat received in His Headquarters in Gaza this morning, the credential letter of Mr. Andreas Reinieke, the new German representative to...

Official Fatah Editorial: Continue the War

Official Fatah Editorial: Demand complete Israeli withdrawal - including Jerusalem, return of refugees, attack settlers, soldiers... Rejection and Imposition The Intifada broke out in September 2000, following the obnoxious visit of Sharon to al Aqsa mosque....

Israel Internal Security Chief Avi Dichter: ‘Israeli Arab demos prompted Intifada’

Israeli Arab demonstrations after then-opposition leader Ariel Sharon went to the Temple Mount last September prompted the Palestinian Intifada, Shin Bet Chief Avi Dichter told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday. In his...