Arafat’s Condolences to Tel-Aviv Disco Bomber’s Family…

On June 24, 2001, the German TV network, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) aired in its weekly program, "Weltspiegl" a news special titled "The Father of the Terrorist." The program briefly focused on the life of...

European Governments Sponsor Vilification of Zionism and the State of Israel

The significance of the aid that the European Union extends to Israel's left wing organizations reaches beyond the inappropriateness of interfering in Israeli politics. Several of the groups that the EU helps have declared war...

Text of MK’s letter to EU protesting their intefering in internal Israeli Politics

The Knesset Jerusalem 6 Tamuz, 5761 27 June, 2001 To: PM Goeran Persson President of the European Union It has been made public in Israel that the European Union has been providing financial support to Israeli groups/institutions/organizations that are all...

EU Defends its Role in Funding the Israeli Left

European Union officials have defended the support they provide to Israeli leftist organizations, including Peace Now, the Four Mothers, and MK Roman Bronfman's Impact project. MKs on the right have criticized Europe's intervention in Israeli...

How the European Union Meddles in Israeli Politics

European governments, in general, are breathing down Israel's neck. In the political-military struggle against the Palestinians, they support the Palestinians. The Union's Policy One had to observe the behavior of the television station of the BBC...

Sacrifice of Israel’s Settlements?

When the PLO states that Israel must remove itself from "all occupied territories", few people question what exactly do they mean by "all occupied territories" - the general concept being that they want Israel...

B’Tselem: Press Release: Attacks Against Settlers – Violation of Int’l Law

B'Tselem condemns Palestinian statements supporting attacks against settlers In the last few days there has been an increase in fatal attacks on settlers by Palestinians. During this period, several figures in the Palestinian National Authority...

Hamas Weekly: Syria and Heads of Lebanese Christian Forces Should be Tried for Sabra...

Saleh Al-Na'ami, a senior political commentator for the Hamas weekly, Al-Risala, related in its latest issue to the BBC/Panorama program about Sharon. Contrary to the consensus in the Arab media, Al-Na'ami states that the...

Knesset to Debate the Interference of EU in Israeli politics

Ministers and MKs from the Israeli Right harshly attacked the involvement of the EU in Israeli politics. Two days ago, Ma'ariv published an article saying that officials from the EU funneled billions of dollars to...

A letter from Norway: A Call to Reveal Antisemitism in Norway

My wife and I are Israeli Jews living in Norway in the last years. I am a biologist and web designer and my wife is a chemist researcher. We established an organization that balances...