Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon...

Palestinian Authority texts that appear in UNRWA education, translated and analyzed  by Dr. Arnon Groiss, Research Director of the Nahum Bedein  Center for Near East Policy Research and posted at The Meir Amit Intelligence...

Spotlight on Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

This past week a Palestinian carried out a shooting attack near Ofra (northeast of Ramallah); no casualties were reported. The shooter, a released prisoner, was shot and killed by IDF forces. Palestinians continued throwing rocks...

Challenges to the new government of Israel ,to be sworn in during Chanukah, next...

David Bedein, Bureau Chief   December , 2022 Challenges to the new  government of Israel ,to  be sworn in during Chanukah,  a time which marks the  miracle of Jews who rose up against all odds.   The...

EU envoys boycott Western Wall tour

Ambassadors of four European Union (EU) countries on Friday boycotted a tour to the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque led by Israeli Envoy to the US Gilad Erdan, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported. According to the Western...

Time to be resolute

Viktor Frankl, the renowned Austrian psychiatrist who was a Shoah survivor, wrote: “to suffer unnecessarily is masochistic rather than heroic.” Surveying the putrid and poisonous swamp called the United Nations and its associated groups, plus...

Both UN & The PA: No Support For Any 2 State Solution

This week, The United Nations declared support for a two-state solution. However, our news and research agency, which has reviewed more than 1,000 official textbooks of the PA, used by UNRWA, The United Nations Relief...

American Rabbis Blast Biden Admin for Funding Palestinian Terrorism

The United States’ largest rabbinic public policy organization says the Biden administration is facilitating terrorism against Israel by injecting nearly half a billion dollars into Palestinian government organizations that incite violence against the Jewish...

US Middle East Policy In practice

Nov. 14, 2022 The working assumption of US Middle East Policy is to foster mutual recognition between Israel and the nascent PA entity That is not what we witness in the implementation of US policy on...

Fake hysteria and fake history

Even though MK Itamar Ben-Gvir has yet to be officially appointed as public security minister, MKs from the incoming opposition are already busy trying to topple him. They are giving advance warning of what...

The reason for this message is that Mercaz USA has decided to involve itself...

November 11, 2022   Attn: Sarrae Crane Executive Director, MERCAZ USA 520 Eighth Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10018 Tel.  212.533.2061 In that context: 1.Will Mercaz USA issue a statement calling for the Palestinian Authority to repeal its  law from 2015 which awards...