Assessment; The Attitiude of the Palestinian Authority Towards the Israeli elections

Over the past few days, V.O.P. has been adopting a two-tier information policy regarding the election of Ariel Sharon both before and after the election. Before the Election On the one hand, the PA took no...

The Double Message of the Israeli Government

It goes without saying that there is universal disappointment with Israel's information policies. The problem is not the lack of funds or professional resources at the disposal of the Israeli government. The problem remains the double...

Will Israel Sever its umbilical cord to Arafat?

Israel only has itself to blame for bringing Arafat on to the scene. The question remains as to when and whether Israel will sever its umbilical cord to the PLO leader. The Israeli government in...

PA Funded Terror – Documents Seized from the Office of Yassir Arafat

This week, Israel revealed a document seized early this week from the office of Fuad Shubaki, in charge of PA money matters, proving that the PA funded terror attacks against Israel. A detailed request...

The PA Summer Camps of War

The school year started yesterday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and 90,000 pupils went back to school after summer vacation. Many of them spent the vacation in their homes, because of the...

Washington’s Betrayal

From the beginning of May until last Tuesday, the Palestinians carried out 323 terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. That is an average of 12 per day. These attacks include suicide bombings, penetrations of Israeli...

By-Laws of the European Parliament Award Special Treatment to South Africa and to… The...

Rules applicable to the secondment of national officials to the european parliament and secondment of european parliament officials and temporary staff of political groups to national, international and regional bodies 3 June 2003 The Bureau of...

War on Terror in West Bank “NOT SERIOUS”

Israeli Security officials today blamed the Palestinian Authority and its leader, Abu Mazen, for not fighting terror in the West Bank. This is unlike the situation in the Gaza Strip, where a considerable drop...

The New PA/Hamas Cairo Agreement: Authorization for Terror Against Israel

I read the Arabic text of the "Cairo statement"... The best man is Egypt. The happy couple are Abu Mazen on the one hand, and Hamas and the other extremist Palestinian organizations on the...

Some US Congressional leaders worry that Gaza pullout amounts to appeasement

Nobody in the Republican-controlled Congress wants to be seen as opposing the wishes of both Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Bush administration. But quietly, the unilateral Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip...