AP: Documents Show that Arafat Remunerates the Killers

Jerusalem (AP) - After seizing Palestinian offices and scouring thousands of papers, Israel says documents show Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat authorized payment to a militant who allegedly had been involved in killing several Israelis. Israel's...

Foreign Ministry Acts Contrary to Government Decisions

The next IDF chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Moshe (Bugi) Yaalon, criticized the Foreign Ministry, claiming: "The Foreign Ministry acts contrary to government decisions." Recently, Yaalon told IDF officers that the Foreign Ministry was acting...

The Peace Now Survey Critique: Confimation of Pragmatic Settler Trend Does Not Mean What...

As a journalist who has lived in and covered the Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Katif for the past 15 years, I can affirm the findings reported by Americans for Peace Now co-chairman...

EU comment on killing Jews beyond the ‘green line” …and PBC praise of the...

Israel Resource News Agency requested comment from Mr. David Kriss, the press officer of the Delegation of the European Commission to the State of Israel,concerning the widely circulated unconfirmed report that the EU supported...

Blair, the Palestinians’ Friend

British Prime Minister Tony Blair is an enthusiastic supporter of the Palestinians. Moreover, in order to repel the criticism aired against him from within his own party ranks about his too cozy relationship with...

PA Textbooks not Anti-Semitic

Although a new report states that Palestinian Authority textbooks now feature descriptions of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as being an "integral part" of Zionist history that was approved in "a confidential...

Deep Concern Over Sharon Aide Weisglass Saying 60,000 Jews Will Be Uprooted From Judea...

New York - The ZOA has expressed deep concern that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's top aide, Dov Weisglass, said last week that "Israel could eventually expect that at least 180,000 of the current 240,000...

Egypt Sends Troops to Eastern Sinai

CAIRO -- Egypt has sent hundreds of troops to eastern Sinai. Officials said the troops would man the 12-kilometer Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip. They said Israel has agreed to the arrangement. So far,...

A “Kadima USA” Policy Statement – June 5th, 2006

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert makes his first state visit to the United States, it is time for Jews around the world to firmly support his efforts to set defensible borders for the State...

Hamas Strikes Military Position in Israel

For the first time since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005, Palestinian insurgents from the Gaza Strip have struck a military position in the Jewish state. On Sunday, Hamas and the aligned Popular...