Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No (28): 75.8% Reconciliation impossible this generation even if Palestinians...

12 June 2008 These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 5 and 7 June...

Professor Porath Predicts Israel Will Reconquer Gaza

Another round in the war: Few situations in human history can be defined in clear-cut terms as victory or defeat. Even wars that are ended by crushing military defeats and the unconditional surrender of one...

Former lone soldier David Morel seriously injured in Shuafat terror attack

Civilian security guard David Morel, who was seriously injured in the Shuafat terror attack on Saturday evening, remains in a serious and unstable condition, Hadassah University Medical Center said in an update on Tuesday morning. 30-year-old...

Weekly Commentary: Washington accepts terror state – only requires English Let's read this incredibly shocking passage together: "Well, we condemn all rocket attacks from Gaza. We would also expect President Abbas to do so as he has in the past, and we expect the Palestinian...

Official PA radio news – the PBC Voice of Palestine – Oct 22

SUMMARY The Voice of Palestine continued its policy of leading its news shows with the details of the burial of "martyrs" and the listing and counting of the injured. VOP continues to go into detail...

Game-Changer Abbas UN Speech

The address delivered by Mahmad Abbas, head of the PA & PLO on Sept. 22 at the United Nations General Assembly was a game-changer. The  text of the Abbas speech can be seen at: Abbas stood...

Obama Turns on Israel Barack Obama's March 2013 trip to Israel had a too-good-to-be-true feel about it. While barely pressuring on Israel, he instructed Palestinians not to set preconditions for negotiations and admonished them to "recognize that Israel...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

The Democrats’ Jimmy Carter Conundrum

"For 58 years and counting, Democrats stand with Israel." So trumpeted the Democratic National Committee, in an obvious bid for Jewish votes in the coming midterm elections, in an ad that recently appeared in...

Analysis: The Isaiah Award to Arafat

Our news agency, which covers the Palestinian Authority and the peace process, has been informed by the Palestinian Authority that the United Jewish Communities UJC Prime Minister's Mission will indeed provide the Isaiah Award...