UNRWA commissioner claims the agency is not political. It is nothing BUT political!

Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General of UNRWA, wrote an article in Al Jazeera with some whopping lies. The lies start with the headline: Calling them "refugees" is political! There is only one definition of refugee, and it is...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 30

Summary and Analysis In its Tuesday morning news broadcasts, VOP opened with news of a new Palestinian martyr, while reiterating news of the killing last night of an "Israeli settler," and VOP summed up the...

Rabbis for Human Rights Fabrications: A Critique of The “Olive Tree Campaign”

Throughout the centuries, Jews have suffered whenever a lie repeated often enough becomes believable. Fifty dedicated people were brought to Israel this week under the specious premise that tens of thousands of trees had been...

What is it that woke folk smoke?

If truth be known woke folk don’t need to smoke anything in order to vilify Israel and by extension, Jews. Their knee jerk reactions to each and every action Israel takes to safeguard the lives...

Will the Casino in Jericho Once Again Open its Doors to Israeli clients?

Israeli gamblers will be disappointed: Following the IDF withdrawal from Palestinian cities, including Jericho, the Palestinians announced that the Jericho casino is prepared to open its gates to masses of gamblers, however the IDF...

A Psychiatrist Talks About PA Children’s Indoctrination

“In both the Palestinian Authority and the Hamas-ruled territory of Gaza there are carefully planned, widespread campaigns of incitement of children. Due to this indoctrination children start even viewing positively their involvement in terrorist...

Report #3, September 20:State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities

The World Bank in Gaza and vacated Gush Katif Globes journalist Gadi Golan reported that the World Bank will grant a series of financial incentives to entrepreneurs and investors who set up enterprises, businesses,...

Promises that the US Does not Keep: The Boim Case Revisited

Israel Resource News Agency has followed the Boim case for the past six years. Please note the following articles that appear on previous issues of Israel Resource Review: US Consul Won't Help the Boims: "We Can't...

Why is it Important that PA Textbooks Used in UNRWA Schools be Translated into...

Germany, which presents itself as a democratic power, is now the leading  donor state of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) which services the  Palestinian refugees of the 1948 was… and their descendants.   Yet 54% of the current UNRWA budget is allocated to an education system which indoctrinates Arab children to make war...

Criticism of UNRWA – is Switzerland paying for Hamas rockets?

Hamas missiles are intercepted by anti-missile missiles over Israel. As soon as an enemy missile approaches, the Israelis fire defensive missiles into the air. Israel under constant fire: over 3,100 rockets were fired from the Gaza...