While violence rages back home, Canada may host Mideast lawmakers

Unable to stop the drift toward war in their native land, Israeli and Palestinian legislators hope to be more successful in the quieter atmosphere of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. A Canadian parliamentary committee...

Palestinian Schools Praise Suicide Bombers

In the course of routine activity in Ramallah, an IDF documentation team entered classrooms in local Palestinian schools and took photographs that illustrate the incitement against Israel taught to Palestinian school children. Such incitement...

Israel’s Need for an Information Strategy

The relationship between governments at war and the media has always been complex. The government's instinct to disclose details of military-related activities only selectively and its desire to garner public support for these activities...

When Body Bags of Children Are Loaded On To Ambulances

A few hours before the June 11th Arab terror attack which blew up a civilian bus in downtown Jerusalem, five minutes from my office window, the Islamic Movement of Israel called a press conference...

Lack of a U.S. Response to the Planned Executions of “Collaborators” at the Order...

This much seems clear: Palestinian Authority executions of "collaborators" are scheduled to take place shortly. The full particulars are difficult to verify. On February 17, 2005, news broke in Israel that Palestinian Authority Chair Mahmoud...


Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian terrorist organizations have formed a common front to make war on the state of Israel, while orchestrating a sophisticated PR campaign throughout the world and especially in Israel to...

Immoderate Fatah: A responsible Palestinian representative would be helpful, but there just isn’t one.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is currently in the Middle East. As has been the case in the past, one of her goals is to "strengthen" the "moderate" Mahmoud Abbas. Her desire to do...

“Bill Clinton: Israel-Syria peace deal could be reached within 35 minutes”

A peace agreement between Israel and Syria could be reached within 35 minutes, former U.S. president Bill Clinton told the Lebanon-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Sunday. Clinton said Israel and Syria were...

Commentary: Our Fate and Faith At This Time

I offer here a link to a piece by Barry Rubin called "Goodbye to Western Civilization." I urge all of you to read it, but particularly those who are in N. America. There must...

Genesis of an Anti-Semitic State

Imagine, if you would, that a nascent nation state, somewhere in the world, was in formation that had taken on these features: Its new constitution would not allow for any juridical status for Judaism. Jews would...