Al-Qaeda Affiliate -” Jaish al-Islam”- Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza Vol. 8, No. 7 Except for Fatah, the other Palestinian terror organizations in Gaza enjoy full freedom of movement under Hamas rule. Offshoots of al-Qaeda in Gaza include Jaish al-Islam (the Army of Islam), the...

How Is Israel to Respond When They Attack Our Airports?

On Monday, US Secretary of State Colin Powell will deliver a speech at the University of Louisville in which it is expected he will set forth an American plan for peace between Israel and...

Palestinian Authority Education: No Room for a Two-State Solution

By David Bedein                 Research: Dr. Arnon Groiss    Palestinian Authority schoolbooks feature three fundamentals: De-legitimization of Israel’s existence and the Jews’ very presence in the country, which includes denial of their history and the existence of any...

Exclusive: Bethlehem Fears Return of Deported Terrorits

Reports that Israel is considering allowing a group of gunmen who were deported in 2002 after hiding inside the Church of the Nativity to return home have left some Christian residents here seriously concerned...

Meaningless and meaningful words

As the well-known saying proclaims, actions speak louder than words. If our actions don’t change, the words become meaningless. This was never truer than at the current time. History provides us with plenty of examples where...

EAST JERUSALEM ARABS TELL ME THEY PREFER ISRAEL OVER THE PA Carob juice vendor outside Damascus Gate, Old City, East Jerusalem. (Note: the person in this photo was not interviewed.) Photo by Rhonda Spivak. Shopkeeper in East Jerusalem's Arab Market sells a PALESTINE socccer team shirt, even...

Palestinian Constitution Calls for Islamic State, Report Says

Jerusalem ( - The new Palestinian Constitution calls for a state under Islamic law and not a democratic state with human rights or civil liberties, according to a report in an Israeli newspaper. The constitution...

Palestinian obstructionism The letter that Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is expected to hand Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today is a prime example of everything wrong with the current Palestinian leadership. The letter (according to...

A Columnist from Haaretz Rationalizes the Murder of “Settlers”. The Title of the Article:...

"Tell me, please, what am I supposed to do now?" the local Palestinian leader from the Bethlehem area asked the western diplomat. They were watching as a huge bulldozer dugs its teeth into the...

File Police Complaints against Abbas

Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a terrorist organization,  has launched a violent anti-semitic tirade which has been condemned around the world.   Yet "condemnation" has no  effect on Abbas, who  galivants around the world, heading...