Jerusalem deputy mayor to UK: Don’t fund anti-Israel Palestinian textbooks

The UK must stop funds for UNRWA unless it agrees to stop anti-Israel and antisemitic incitement in its schools, Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum plans to tell the UK House of Lords on Wednesday. ...

Freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​ means nothing

The Israeli government freeze​ of 150 million in pay-for-slay funds​, the precise ​amount designated for ​PLO terrorists and ​their ​families​,​ carries no weight and no significance​. This does not cancel the unprecedented ordinance of the...

Initial Palestinians reactions to the International Criminal Court (ICC) decision and Palestinian preparations for...

The Palestinian Authority (PA) expressed great satisfaction with the decision of Fatou Bensouda, the ICC Prosecutor, that there is a basis for opening an investigation of the "war crimes" Israel allegedly commits in "Palestine."...

Bennett orders seizure of PA funds for families of Arab Israeli terror convicts

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday declared he was taking steps to make sure that “Jewish blood will no longer be financially lucrative,” after signing an order to prevent families of Arab Israelis convicted...

Israel, Jews and Peace in Palestinian Authority Teachers’ Guides

Executive Summary This is the last in a series of four studies within an extensive research project that started in 2015 and aimed at checking the attitude of the Palestinian Authority (PA) curriculum to the...

US aid to PA education without conditions?

From Auschwitz to UNRWA: German Complicity Continues

Next month, a convocation will occur to mark the 75th anniversary the liberation of Auschwitz. This is not a look to the past. Germany resumes its war on Jews, 75 years later. How? Following the US withdrawal of...

Profits from an entity that invests in murder

ATTN - THE BUSINESS HALACHA INSTITUTE WEEKLY 10 Kislev 5780 Dear Colleague, Speaking at the Silver Spring Jewish Center most recently....Found your weekly magazine,  "Restoring the Primacy of Choshen Mishpat"    to be refreshing. As a Shomer Mitzvot YU...

While demanding humanitarian aid from across the globe, the Palestinian Authority spent $2.1 billion...

Billions of dollars in foreign aid have been unaccounted for – money that was supposed to go to Palestinian citizens under the oppressive and militant jihadist government run by President Mahmoud Abbas and the...

Required Changes in the Palestinian Authority’s Schoolbooks

Here are clear guidelines for an overhaul in Palestinian curriculum for more than 300 PA Schools which teach  321,000 pupils who live in UNRWA facilities in Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Jerusalem; Avoid De-legitimization of the State...