Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 14, No. 8 March 23, 2014 Palestinian leaders are manipulating the history of geographic Palestine/Land of Israel. They have manufactured a curious claim, expressed recently by Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, that they...

Arabs No Longer Take Obama Administration Seriously The communiqué issued by Arab heads of state at the end of their summit in Kuwait this week shows that the Arab countries do not hold the Obama Administration in high regard or even...

A Murderer’s Life and the Chances of Peace The New York Times did a valuable public service today by profiling the life of Muqdad Salah. But the story, which demonstrated how unlikely peace between Israelis and the Palestinians is, wasn’t intended as...

What Citizens and Legislators From Donor nations Can Do to Correct UNRWA Indiscretions; Follow...

Two news items that may have escaped public attention of late: First news item Israeli troops were dispatched last week to the UNRWA refugee camp in Jenin, in order to arrest sharpshooters who were firing on...

UNRWA’s Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict

UNRWA's Educational Activity in the Middle East UNRWA - the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East - was established in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war of...

Eight Crucial Questions for Abbas (and One for President Obama) Question #1: Does Israel have a right to exist? There seems to be a double-standard when it comes to how Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian Authority's erstwhile President, Mahmoud Abbas -- now...

Palestinian People’s Message to Kerry: Go Away! Even if Abbas is forced -- under U.S. Pressure and threats -- to make concessions, the Palestinians will not "relinquish their rights." "If you make any concession, the people and I will take to the...

Arafat and the Jewish State: Setting the Record Straight Vol. 14, No. 6 On March 13, 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry told Congress that he views Israel’s principled requirement of recognition as the nation state of the Jewish People “as a mistake.” He...

Sderot: the bomb shelter capital of the world A bus stop redesigned as a bomb shelter in a residential area of Sderot As a frequent visitor to Israel I like to think I know my way around. Heading north through Herzliya or...

Centcom Ignores Israel-Pal Dispute

The U.S. military no longer sees the Arab-Israeli war as a priority. The military's Central Command, in contrast to that of the administration of President Barack Obama, has not designated either the Arab-Israeli or Israeli-Palestinian...