Stop the tsunami

Our crew has accumulated hours of footage of UNRWA child soldiers -trained to fight and die on the front lines of Gaza. Now producing films to screen at German Bundestag, British Parliament, Swedish Parliament and US...

David Bedein talks about the presence of antisemitic teachers and curriculum at Palestinian UNRWA... A program of ISGAP, The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism.

Rabbi Leo Dee: Ordinary Palestinians silently thank Allah for the Jenin operation

When Lucy, Maia and Rina were suddenly and brutally taken from this world during Pesach, I cried in pain. Not against every Arab, not against every Muslim, but against every terrorist. I have Palestinian friends and acquaintances. That...

For any chance at peace, the Palestinian education system must be overhauled

The U.S. “Peace to Prosperity” plan presented by President Donald Trump last week proposes unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian state. Among them is this one: “The Palestinians shall have ended all...

Implications of an independent GAO study of PA/UNRWA education

One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority /UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the terror involvement in...

Confronting Human Rights Abuses in the Palestinian Authority: An Essential Step for Progress in...

Introduction The condition of Palestinian human rights is one that has been of considerable concern to international observers and policymakers. The protection and safeguarding of the fundamental rights of Palestinians is a matter that not...

An IDF surgical operation which worked: UNRWA Jenin refugee facility, July 2023

While Israel's adversaries have been used to providing illustrations  of civilian casualties and damage to private property after almost  every IDF action since 1987, this time things were different.    The IDF strartegy .which focused on...

Why Is the Cruel Sexual Violence of the October 7 Hamas Attack Being Ignored?

“I knew right away that sexual violence was part of the events of October 7, but obviously, I could not have known the extent of the cruelty that Hamas engaged in,” says Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, who served...

Memo on renewal of US aid to UNRWA & PA education

Memo on renewal of  US aid to UNRWA & PA education Ever since the Biden Administration came into power in the U.S., it has been a foregone conclusion that the Americans will l renew funding to UNRWA and...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)...