UK to review aid to Palestinian education. Why not ask for immediate removal of...

The British government is to be lauded for stating  that it willlook into the indiscretions of PLO "education", as reported in the Jewish News article of February 12, 2020, entitled "British government says changes will...


The New York Sun was virtually the only news outlet in North America to cover the scandal that the State Dept blocked the GAO from issuing is report on the PA and UNRWA school...

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)

PA Chairman Abbas incites to violence in Jerusalem

Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, was interviewed on Palestinian television on Wednesday, 16 September about the violent riots on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that were initiated by radical Islamists. During the...

Textbooks used in UNRWA schools

The Palestinian Authority describes itself as “the State of Palestine” and considers itself a full state under foreign occupation the boundaries of which are not restricted to the 1967 lines. The name “the State...

מדריכי מורים של הרשות הפלסטינית: דוגמאות לאינדוקטרינציה בהקשר הסכסוך מאת ארנון גרויס (ינואר 2019)

אינדוקטרינציה של הסכסוך בשלושה משפטים לתלמידי כתה ב': "הכנה: המורה יספר סיפור קצר על מולדתנו, פלסטין: 'סבי היה חי בכפר יפה ב חיפה. הוא עבד בחקלאות, אהב את האדמה ושמר עליה. ביום עצוב אחד...

MFAT officials justify NZ-funded hate to minister

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the Israel Institute of New Zealand show that, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) briefed the minister about hate and...

KAN News: A troubling trend: Russia is cementing its military presence near Israel

Media in Syria have published documentation of Russian military patrols and a new military position, joining other positions near the border with Israel. A Syrian opposition source to KAN news said: "If Israel thinks that these positions will...

In the Spirit of the Washington Summit- Remove Palestinian Weapons of Mass Instruction from Their Schools

When you  read the updated version of the "Peace to Prosperity" plan which U.S.President Trump presented last week, you find unprecedented criteria for the formation of a Palestinian State:  "The Palestinians shall have ended all...

Germany has allocated funds to an UNRWA school in Gaza

Questions: Will Germany demand that UNRWA cancel military training in that UNRWA school? Will Germany demand  that UNRWA fire all teachers in that school who are affiliated with terror groups? Will Germany demand full transparency from UNRWA in the allocation...