Accord with UAE -Peace without Peace Education?

It is hard to join the euphoria for the new peace accord which Israel and the UAE now negotiate. We witness a “Déjà vu”: Israel repeats the tragic mistakes of the peace accords with Egypt,...

Confirmed – US Congressional GAO investigation of PA texts taught in UNRWA schools completed:...

A journalist and constituent of Sen. James Risch (R-IDAHO), the chairman of the US Senate Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asked the GAO (Government Accountability Office) the status of the...

MFAT officials justify NZ-funded hate to minister

Documents obtained under the Official Information Act by the Israel Institute of New Zealand show that, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) briefed the minister about hate and...

UK to review aid to Palestinian education. Why not ask for immediate removal of...

The British government is to be lauded for stating  that it willlook into the indiscretions of PLO "education", as reported in the Jewish News article of February 12, 2020, entitled "British government says changes will...

Required Changes in Palestinian Authority/UNRWA Schoolbooks –  to conform with peace policies advocated by...

Research by Dr. Arnon Groiss. Since 2000, Dr. Arnon Groiss has examined the new school books which were put in use by the PA and UNRWA between 2000 and 2006m with the generous funding of...

The Truth Behind the Palestinian ‘Catastrophe’

srael will soon celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence. Around the same time, Palestinians will stage their annual Nakba Day, the official commemoration held every year on May 15 to protest Israel’s creation....

Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps Palestinian children stay alive…and their Israeli...

Right of Reply to  “Attacking UNRWA’ s Education System Risks the Lives of Students, JPOST Oct. 24th by Gwyn Lewis, UNRWA Director of Operations in the West Bank Criticizing books used in UNRWA schools only helps...

A Tribute to Archbishop Sambi, Reassigned from Jerusalem to Washington

This week, a special farewell ceremony was held in Jerusalem for Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Pope's ambassador in Israel, formally known as the Papal Nuncio. Archbishop Pietro Sambi has been reassigned as the Papal Nuncio...

ספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית (רש”פ): ההתייחסות ליהודים, לישראל ולשלום

תמצית מנהלים המחקר הנוכחי מכסה את כל ביטויי ההתייחסות ל"אחר" היהודי-ישראלי ולשלום עימו המצויים בספרי הלימוד העדכניים ביותר שיצאו לאור מטעם הרשות הפלסטינית לשימוש בכל בתיה"ס ביהודה, שומרון ורצועת עזה וכן בבתיה"ס שבמזרח ירושלים הפועלים...

Israeli Group Monitoring Palestinian media

The recent Palestinian presidential election campaign, widely applauded for complying with democratic norms, was actually riddled with voter fraud, intimidation and unbalanced pre-election media coverage, says an Israeli observer of Palestinian political life. Michael Widlanski,...