Help UNRWA Schools Get Funding: Remove UNRWA War Education

UNRWA reports that its $1.2 billion budget, funded by 62 nations, cannot come up with the necessary $101 million to launch the new school year for 492,000 students who study in 699 UNRWA schools...

A New Round of Escalation in the Gaza Strip

On February 23 and 24, 2020, there was another round of escalation in the Gaza Strip. It began on the morning of February 23 when IDF forces killed a terrorist operative from the military...

Exposed: Hamas Has a Sleeper Cell Inside UNRWA

The head of UNRWA’s employees’ union in the Gaza Strip is a fairly anonymous Hamas official who has been placed by the terror organization inside the agency as a “sleeper” who can use the...

Lies, Damned Lies and UNRWA Pledging Conferences

Will the United Nations ever face up to the awkward reality that it is subsidizing terrorists in Gaza? Or is that too touchy a topic because it might interfere with UN demands for more...

The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently

The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows. Why did the US suspend funds to UNRWA in the first place? Since 1999, Hamas has...

The Legislature can — and should — pull the plug on ethnic studies

Commentary March 8, 2023 Tammi Rossman-Benjamin California kids are in trouble. Less than half meet national standards for literacy, and only one-third meet standards for math. The picture is grimmer for minorities: percentages hover around 30% for African...

UNRWA GAO Declassification Report

WEST BANK AND GAZA State Has Taken Actions to Address Potentially Problematic Textbook Content but Should Improve Its Reporting to Congress Click here to read full report in PDF

UNRWA Camps Train Arab Muslim Kids to Kill Jews & Destroy the Jewish State...

UNRWA Camps Train Arab Muslim Kids to Kill Jews & Destroy the Jewish State of Israel


This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

Anti-Israel Incitement in the Palestinian Authority: An analysis of its roots and aspects

Incitement is generally defined as the deliberate provocation of unlawful, violent or criminal behavior. However, I would expand the definition to include inculcating a belief in an extremist ideology, concept or policy that is...