The Palestinian Authority Does Not Meet UNESCO Standards authority-does-not-meet-unesco-standards/ After the vote of 193 UNESCO member countries, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education published today an interim report containing a preliminary summary of the findings of an extensive...

Fatah Conference: August 2009: A Major Opportunity Denied

Many well-informed persons are unaware of this Fatah constitution. And many of those who are familiar with it believe it is an anachronism: That is, as Fatah itself has changed, post-Oslo, its original constitution, which...

U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians

Since the establishment of limited Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the mid-1990s, the U.S. government has committed approximately $5 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians, who are among the world’s...

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks (Hebrew)

The Proposed Palestinian State: A Compendium

On January 14, 1997, at 12:00 noon, as the Israeli cabinet gathered in Jerusalem to begin its deliberations on the approval of the Oslo accords, something else transpired in Ramat Dania, a neighborhood within...

On the Eve of the Summit and Ramadan— the Palestinian Broadcast Media: A Survey...

On the eve of PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas’s planned visit to Washington, the broadcast media of the Palestinian Authority (PA) maintained a generally tough anti-Israeli and sometimes even anti-American posture, regarding talks with Israel and American...


This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks