Inside Fatah: A “Moderate” Entity?

There is a prevailing notion in Western diplomatic circles today that Hamas – and only Hamas – is the stumbling block to a successful negotiation of peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. According to this...

Constitution of the State of Palestine – Third Draft

The executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, having renewed the instructions of the Palestinian National Council for the establishment of a special committee to prepare the Constitution of the State of Palestine, the...

On-going Evidence of Fatah Immoderation

The Center for Near East Policy Research has done a series of reports monitoring the failure of Fatah, the controlling party of the Palestinian Authority, and PA president Mahmoud Abbas to demonstrate genuine moderation. This issue has...

Exit PA, Enter Egypt

Al Ayyam, Oct. 9, 2005 Seeking shelter from Palestinian gun battles. Executive Summary: Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has agreed to a virtual Egyptian takeover of the Gaza Strip and has invited other Arab regimes to plant...

The Making of the Palestinian President 2005

The Palestinian Presidential Elections of January 2005 are an important milestone in Palestinian state-building for several reasons. Palestinian elections are a critical point in the transition between Israeli military rule in the West Bank and Gaza Strip...

March 2007 Addendum to Myth of a “Moderate” Fatah

On February 8, 2007, Fatah and Hamas leaders, meeting in Mecca under the sponsorship of Saudi Arabia, reached agreement on the formation of a PA unity government. The Accord they produced, roughly based upon the Prisoners...

The Proposed Palestinian State: A Compendium

On January 14, 1997, at 12:00 noon, as the Israeli cabinet gathered in Jerusalem to begin its deliberations on the approval of the Oslo accords, something else transpired in Ramat Dania, a neighborhood within...

Evaluation of the Israeli/Palestinian Schoolbook Research Project

The Israeli-Palestinian schoolbook research project was commissioned by the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land (CRIHL) and financed by the US State Department. It started in 2009 and was headed by Professor...

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks

Quotes from Palestinian Authority Textbooks