Official Policy Statements of UNRWA officials, 2010: A Thorough Examination.

The propensity for senior staff of UNRWA – which according to its mandate is a purely humanitarian and service-driven organization – to make inappropriate, inciteful and highly politicized statements has been documented by the Center...

Quartet Reaffirms Genocidal Ideology of the PLO

Current Middle East negotiations are based on "PLO principles", as elucidated in the US State Department link from February 2016:.   Since the PLO has never changed its covenant of commitment for a full scale...

One for the Gunness Book of Records: The myth of an UNRWA policy of...

“We Are Returning Returning, returning, we are returning Borders shall not exist, nor citadels and fortresses Cry out, O those who have left: We are returning Returning to the homes, to the valleys, to the mountains Under the flag of...

Amazing that UNRWA can say this with a straight face

The most recent report of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the UN, covering 2013, includes this head-scratcher of a line: "The situation also affected the 1.9 million registered Palestine refugees in the State of Palestine." So...

UNRWA hails Qatar’s Al Khater as ‘great advocate’ for Palestinian refugees

The United Nations praised the role of Qatar’s Assistant Foreign Minister Lolwah Al Khater and the Gulf nation for its support of Palestinian refugees. In a meeting in Doha between Al Khater and the UN’s...
Steve Linde, editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post Photo Credit: Facebook

Israeli Paper Responds to UNRWA’s Shocking Boycott Call

Last week Chris Gunness, a spokesperson for the United Nations Refugee and Works Agency, had a lengthy temper tantrum on twitter. The object of that tantrum, the Jerusalem Post‘s editor-in-chief, Steve Linde, responded publicly today. Linde...

Brazil’s admission to the Advisory Commission of UNRWA

The United Nations General Assembly has decided, by Resolution 69/86, to admit Brazil as a member of the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

ACLJ Obtains Concealed Obama State Department Report on Anti-Israel UNRWA

The ACLJ has just obtained a crucial Obama Administration report on an anti-Israel U.N. agency, which many in Congress believe will expose the U.N. agency’s fraudulent over-reporting on the number of Palestinian “refugees.” Until now,...

Here are the top 10 biggest donors to UNRWA in 2017: Source: Britannica

United States ($364 million) Source: Britannica During the 2018 World Economic Forum, Trump threatened to cut Palestinian aid due to President Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to meet with Vice President Mike Pence. Trump said Palestinians must be willing to cooperate "or we're...

UNRWA- A UN Agency Encourages Children to Engage in Acts of War

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian Arabs  who were  refugees from the 1948 war, along with their descendants,  is responsible for the education of about 25% of Palestinian Arab ...