This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

UNRWA Aids Hamas Military Wing , While the US – The Biggest UNRWA Funder-...

Over the past week, the World Vision, a well-known humanitarian organization, was formally accused and indicted for secretly aiding military activities of Hamas, designated as an FTO by the US – a “Foreign Terror...

UNRWA loves using dead babies for Pallywood fundraising

On February 2, I reported that Chris Gunness was looking for dead babies: Can anyone put me in touch with a family in Gaza where a child died of hyperthermia? Thanks. @ChrisGunness — Chris Gunness (@ChrisGunness)...

Exposed: UNRWA Spox Shuts Down Twitter Account Over Anti-Israel Posts

UN Watch today called on America’s envoy to the UN Samantha Power to end her silence over continued anti-Israeli incitement from UNRWA as their U.S. branch’s spokeswoman Laila Mokhiber shut down her Twitter account under widespread criticism for her...

Rising above personal attacks, the time has come to examine UNRWA policy

United Nations Relief and Works Agency spokesman Chris Gunness launched personal attacks this week against a Palestinian critic of UNRWA who wrote an op-ed for The Jerusalem Post, followed by a vitriolic attack against...

The Legislature can — and should — pull the plug on ethnic studies

Commentary March 8, 2023 Tammi Rossman-Benjamin California kids are in trouble. Less than half meet national standards for literacy, and only one-third meet standards for math. The picture is grimmer for minorities: percentages hover around 30% for African...

Debate on UNRWA that took place in the Swedish parliament earlier this week

Debate on UNRWA that took place in the Swedish parliament earlier this week. It has been translated to English in the following video clip.

How ​to ​​facilitate a flow of donations​ for the people who dwell in UNRWA...

Not a day goes by when you do not see yet another news story about the genuine suffering of the descendants of Arab refugees who continue to wallow in the misery of the ​UNRWA...

Exposed: Hamas Has a Sleeper Cell Inside UNRWA

The head of UNRWA’s employees’ union in the Gaza Strip is a fairly anonymous Hamas official who has been placed by the terror organization inside the agency as a “sleeper” who can use the...

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East...