This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

Jan. 3, ‏2017 New Study: Hamas continues to use UNRWA to promote its...

UNRWA has become a convenient surrogate for terrorist organizations, led by Hamas, which was chosen in successive elections to lead the workers union and the UNRWA teachers union, as the key mentors who influence...

How ​to ​​facilitate a flow of donations​ for the people who dwell in UNRWA...

Not a day goes by when you do not see yet another news story about the genuine suffering of the descendants of Arab refugees who continue to wallow in the misery of the ​UNRWA...

For presentation for US congressional staff July 31, 2015

Activities of the Islamic Bloc in UNRWA's schools after Operation Protective Edge The Islamic Bloc, Hamas student movement, resumed its activities in UNRWA schools after the last military confrontation between Israel and a coalition of...

Journalist Bedein: UNRWA Landmark Study Author Joan Peters ‘Was Ahead of Her Time’

In an interview with VOI's Ernie Singer, Jerusalem-based Center for Near-East Policy Research head David Bedein says "From Time Immemorial" author Joan Peters -- who died Jan. 6th -- showed that the UN Relief...

How Canada Can Influence UNRWA Refugee Policy

With the dawn of a new government in Israel, Canada seeks a constructive role in the renewal of a peace process in the Middle East. In that context, the Canadian government has announced renewed funding...

Amazing that UNRWA can say this with a straight face

The most recent report of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the UN, covering 2013, includes this head-scratcher of a line: "The situation also affected the 1.9 million registered Palestine refugees in the State of Palestine." So...

Quartet Reaffirms Genocidal Ideology of the PLO

Current Middle East negotiations are based on "PLO principles", as elucidated in the US State Department link from February 2016:.   Since the PLO has never changed its covenant of commitment for a full scale...

The Case for Reforming UNRWA

UNRWA – the UN Relief and Works Agency – appears to be adopting a new face and new policies. These changes can be seen as part of a bold PR campaign to insure, first,...

Following the Israel and US Elections: How to Galvanize public opinion to defeat...

Following the US and Israel elections: Our document to submit to the newUS Congress & the Israeli Knesset, Nov. 13, 2022 How to defeat the PLO and UNRWA 1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer...