UNRWA US july - search results

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Report: Despite UNRWA Promises, Teachers Again Inciting to Violence Against “Jewish Apes and Pigs”

Above: UNRWA’s “Certificate of Ethics” for teacher who posts on Facebook that “Zionists and Jews” are “sons of apes and pigs.”  GENEVA, November 30, 2015 – Despite prior promises by UNRWA, the Palestinian relief agency, to put an end...

Quebec’s judge states that Israeli military activity in Gaza is a righteous act of...

Montréal judge Stephen J. Gallagher dismissed Palestinian’s appeal for Canadian refugee status, stating that his claim is resting upon his subjective views of the political situation in Gaza. A 34 year old Gaza-born man, registered...

.@UNRWA school site equates religious Jews with Nazis, encourages kids to attack Jews

On August 19, in response to my findings that many UNRWA teachers were posting antisemitic and pro-terror posts on Facebook, spokesperson Chris Gunness said: Where we find credible allegations of neutrality violations among our staff,...

For presentation for US congressional staff July 31, 2015

Activities of the Islamic Bloc in UNRWA's schools after Operation Protective Edge The Islamic Bloc, Hamas student movement, resumed its activities in UNRWA schools after the last military confrontation between Israel and a coalition of...
The Azadi Tower in Tehran, Iran's capital city


As the eyes of the world focus on the dysfunctional US-Iranian accord, yet another dysfunctional accord with the US government has escaped public scrutiny: The new accord reached between the US government and UNRWA,...

Explosive: UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools

The UN finally investigated the Palestinian storing of rockets in UNRWA schools and their use of the schools to launch rockets against Israel, all of which constitute grave violations of the Geneva Conventions and international...

Time to Reconsider U.S. Support of UNRWA

Abstract The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established more than 60 years ago as a temporary initiative to address the needs of Palestinian refugees and...

‘Fix UNRWA’ elicits boycott call

A LIVELY Opinion published in last week’s Intermountain Jewish News has garnered calls for boycott from a top advocate for Palestinian refugees. The op-ed by Bassem Eid, “As a proud Palestinian, I say: Palestinians must...
UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza. Photo: United Nations

Senior UNRWA Official Again Distorts Palestinian Fatality Figures from Gaza War

Despite mounting evidence that up to 50 percent of the fatalities recorded during the July-August 2014 war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza may have been terrorists, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency...

UNRWA employees incite terrorism – while their salaries are paid by Western donors

Following recent terror attacks in Israel including the brutal murder of five people at a Har Nof synagogue in west Jerusalem, attention has been drawn to Palestinian incitement that includes fabrications, such as that...