bedein unrwa - search results

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What will change after the memo of understanding between the US and UNRWA?

On July 14 – a little more than two weeks ago – Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA's Commissioner-General, signed a memo of understanding with the US. The key point of the document is that a donor country...

The inside story about an UNRWA official chased out ot Gaza

"The UN does not trust the Palestinian Relief Organization UNRWA" Matthias Schmale, the Gaza director of the controversial United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians (UNRWA), had to resign after threats against him and...

Öppet klagomål till UNRWA:s generalkommissionär.

  14 juli 2021 Öppet brev:   FN: s generalsekreterare Guterres FN: s biträdande direktör Dr. Darko Mocibob Förenta nationerna    Klagomål - Philippe Lazzarini, generalkommissionär för UNRWA  Den 3 juli 2021 gav UNRWA-kommissionären Philippe Lazzarini, som är schweizisk medborgare, en...

Open Letter of Complaint Against UNRWA Commissioner General

July 14th 2021 Open Letter:  UN Secretary General Guterres UN Deputy Director Dr. Darko Mocibob The UNITED NATIONS Letter of Complaint- Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner General   On July 3, 2021, UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini, a Swiss citizen, gave an interview to...

UNRWA-Chef Philippe Lazzarini und seine fragwürdigen Aussagen in der NZZ

Am 03.07.2021 gab der Chef des Hilfswerks der Vereinten Nationen für Palästina-Flüchtlinge im Nahen Osten (UNRWA) der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung ein exklusives Interview, in dem er erneut bemüht ist, die inzwischen für jedermann offensichtlichen...

Circumvent UNRWA to help Gaza

On June 28th, 2021, The Jewish News Service confirmed that the US has asked Israel to work with UNRWA to rehabilitate Gaza. Yet the seeming absurdity of a suggestion that Israel should work with UNRWA...

What is the difference between the Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research and...

While other organizations focus only on PA terror, PA media, or PA text books, the Bedein Center focuses on the total picture: 1) We challenge those who fund and conceptualize the war curriculum for the...

Activists and experts demand German transparency on UNRWA support

The Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research held a Zoom seminar this week in order to share research about the prevalence of anti-Israel hate education as an official part of the curriculum within...

SWC Encouraged by US linkage of renewed UNRWA aid to Curriculum that Doesn’t Promote...

The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) is lauding the Biden Administration’s linkage of renewed aid to UNRWA to a curriculum that “does not promote incitement”. “The fact that Secretary of State Blinken will be required to...

US sets conditions for renewed UNRWA funding

The US State Department plans to condition aid money to the UN body for Palestinian refugees, according to a budget authorization request sent to the US Congress for approval, Thursday. In the document, the US...