palestinian education - search results

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Why is it Important to Translate into German the Contents of Palestinian Authority Textbooks...

Germany, a democratic power in Europe with peace-oriented policy worldwide, is a principal donor state to both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the 1948 Palestinian...

De-legitimization of Israel’s existence in the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks, including those ones used in...

By virtue of the agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) that was established in 1994, the latter assumed responsibility for the educational services in the areas of the West Bank and the...

Israeli Experts: UNRWA Textbooks Draw Palestinian Children Toward Terrorism President Trump recently cut funding to UNRWA, the UN body responsible for Palestinian refugees. While there has been uproar over that decision, critics of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) point to its...

Peace Education Opportunity

For the past few months, ever since the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem, the US government officials have been discussing what gesture the US could make to the Palestinian Arab people. "Peace Education" would...

Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN Palestinian Aid Organization

Last week, the State Department announced that the Trump administration had concluded an internal review and decided to end all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

How UNRWA contributes to the violent campaign of the Palestinian Right of Return: A...

On November 2nd, 1917, Foreign secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour sent a letter to Baron Rothschild, a prominent figure within the Jewish community in England. The Balfour Declaration declared British support for the Jewish...

According to @UNRWA, a candidate for Swedish elections is a Palestinian “refugee”!

Palestine Today quotes Maariv about a Swedish candidate for Parliament. Sa'id Hudros, is considered one of the most prominent activists in favor of the Palestinian cause in the Sweden. Hudros was born in the  Burj al-Shamali...

Without Peace Education, One Cannot Discuss Peace

Concerning US efforts to facilitate a new peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the Trump Administration has focused on political and security details, along with economics and strategic communications, as reported by The...

LETTER FROM NEDA: Fostering Palestinian anti-Israel propaganda by creating a myth of terrorism

NEDA AMIN, Head of the Iranian News Department, Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Reserarch. Translation:  William B. Mehrvarz, Following the release of a Palestinian young woman  who was convicted of attacking...

Breaking news: Israeli intelligence publishes CFNEPR report on PA/UNRWA education

The Israeli intelligence think tank, known as the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has published the newest comprehensive report on the latest curriculum of UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority as examined and...