palestinian education - search results

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Palestinian Authority textbooks: the attitude to Jews, Israel and peace (Update, June 2018)

Right: Representing the Western Wall (al-Buraq Wall) as sacred exclusively to Muslims: “…the al-Buraq Wall is part of the western wall of al-Aqsa mosque and right to it belongs exclusively to Muslims” (from the...

Sponsors wanted to examine & present new Palestinian textbooks

This month (July 2018), the Palestinian Authority issues 30 new school books, to teach 11th and 12th grade students in the PA, Hamas, UNRWA and  Jerusalem Arab schools. The Center for Near East Policy Research...

A call to end Swedish support to antisemitic education in UNRWA schools

UNRWA is a UN-agency created to support so called palestinian refugees. It is a strange agency due to the fact the it recognizes the right for palestinians to inherit refugee status. No other refugees...

Palestinska Myndighetens skolböcker använda i UNRWA Palestinian Authoritys

 Presentation of the Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA What can be done to reform UNRWA: ​​Cancel the UNRWA​ war​ curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”,...

Mystery Grows Over Why a Study Of Palestinian School Books Is Being Kept Secret...

Why does the State Department block the publication of the congressional investigation of Palestinian texts taught in schools run by the United Nations? That is the question two years after the chairman of the...

End the Palestinian Diplomatic Offensive Against Israel

Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy is premature until Palestinians accept the Jewish state,” Middle East Forum (MEF) President Daniel Pipes has written in advocacy of MEF’s Israel Victory Project (IVP). The rabid records of Palestinian Authority (PA) diplomats worldwide likewise show that these...

The Privileged Palestinian “Refugees”

No sooner had the Palestinian Arabs fled their homes during the 1948-49 war than they were taken under the protective wing of the international community and protected like no other group in similar circumstances....

Terror funding by the Palestinian Authority: Mahmoud Abbas recently approved the budget for 2018,...

In its 2018 budget, the PA allocated around NIS 1.28 billion (around USD 360 million), approximately 7% of the budget, to two institutions that assist terrorists imprisoned in Israel, released terrorists, and families of shahids....

Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East...

Sabri Sidam, the PA ministry ofeducation continues waging his campaign to prevent the teaching...

The Palestinian Authority (PA) continues waging a campaign to prevent the introduction of the Israeli curriculum into school in east Jerusalem neighborhoods. The campaign is led by Sabri Sidam, the PA minister of education, who makes...