unrwa - search results

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World Refugee Day: Perspective From Jerusalem

Our agencies, located on the web at www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com, have engaged professional staff since August 1, 2000 to examine and translate the new school books issued by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education and used by...

Immigration New Zealand “Fact Sheet” Erases Israel And Distorts History

Immigration New Zealand’s ‘State of Palestine Refugee Quota Factsheet’ presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map. The fact sheet is on the Immigration New Zealand’s website...


The New York Sun was virtually the only news outlet in North America to cover the scandal that the State Dept blocked the GAO from issuing is report on the PA and UNRWA school...

Minister: ‘UN aid agency is part of the problem in the Middle East’

United Nations aid work for Palestinian refugees is a stumbling block to peace in the Middle East, hindering the integration of Palestinians who have lived in Jordan and Lebanon for years, according to Swiss...

Greenblatt and Kushner: Remove indoctrination before improving economics

The media universally reports that US Presidential envoys Kushner and Greenblatt are currently “expected to discuss only the economics of the Palestinian Authority at this time”. There is a danger that their singular focus on...

First Priority: Removing Indoctrination Before Economics

The JERUSALEM POST OF MAY 29TH,2019 , titled “KUSHNER, GREENBLATT EXPECTED TO VISIT MIDDLE EAST THIS WEEK” reported that US Presidential envoys Kushner and Greenblatt are “expected to discuss only the economic component” of...

Israel Institute says New Zealand taxpayers are funding extremism

Israel Institute of New Zealand co-director, Dr David Cumin, is calling for a moratorium on any further Kiwi taxpayer funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) until serious issues of corruption,...

Disaster: Proposed Jewish caucus in Congress

Attn: Dan Schori, American Jewish Congress From: David Bedein, Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research Have just heard of your ill-advised idea for a Jewish caucus in Congress Most Jewish members of...

Former U.N. Spokesman Harasses Holocaust Museum Over Holocaust Remembrance Day

A former United Nations spokesman, replying to a five-day-old post about Holocaust Remembrance Day, demanded a Holocaust museum respond to a ten-year-old Israeli comment. Read full article, click here.

Letters:Palestinian Authority Textbooks Debate, Bubbies Know Best

Palestinian Authority Textbooks Debate The Journal’s April 23 online story concerning the introduction of congressional legislation requiring the annual review of Palestinian Authority (PA) textbooks was a one-sided portrayal (“Reps. Sherman, Zeldin Introduce Bill Requiring...