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Tlaib and Omar Can Make History If They Chose

It now appears that Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) will be allowed to visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories during the August recess. Tlaib, a Palestinian-American, has said that she wants to visit with...

Report alleges ethical abuses at UN agency for Palestinians

An internal ethics report has alleged mismanagement and abuses of authority at the highest levels of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees even as the organisation faced an unprecedented crisis after US funding cuts. The...

ZF defends hosting controversial Israeli activist

The Zionist Federation (ZF) has defended its decision to host an Israeli activist in London this week, despite claims he shared a platform with disciples of Meir Kahane. David Bedein is due to speak at...

Internationella flyktingdagen: Perspektiv från Jerusalem

Vår nyhetsbyrå, som finns på internet på www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com, har engagerat professionell personal sedan 1 augusti 2000 för att undersöka och översätta de nya skolböcker som utfärdats av den palestinska myndigheten för utbildningsministeriet och används...

The Palestinian Authority, beholden to the PLO, remains in a state of war with...

The Palestinian Authority, beholden to the PLO, remains in a state of war with Jews… Never ratified the Oslo “Declaration of Principles” Against Violence and Terror. Never cancelled the PLO charter to destroy Israel ...

Föreslagen plats: Stockholm, Sverige

©David Bedein, MSW Föreslagen plats: Stockholm, Sverige. Utforma styrelsen för att främja en ny strategi. Hjälp 5 miljoner ättlingar till arabiska flyktingar från 1948 att komma vidare med sina liv i en ny era av hopp, efter...

It’s not the money, honey

One would have thought by now everyone might have woken up to the fact that it is not a lack of money which prevents peace from breaking out between Israel and the PLO. If in...

The Bahrain Conference: Another Perspective

The U.S.-sponsored economic conference in Bahrain focused on the economic aspects of the Trump administration’s Mideast peace plan, known as the “deal of the century.“ Key leaders will convene at a later date to discuss...

Economy Improves and War Continues?

Concerning “White House releases detailed economic plan for Palestinian people” (Jerusalem Post,June 23), the Palestinian Authority, imposed on the Palestinian people for 26 years, is incorporated within the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), remaining in...

Letter to the The Hon. David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel

June 23, 2019 The Hon. David Friedman, US Ambassador to Israel Dear Ambassador Friedman: Greetings. I write to you as the director of a news agency and research center which has provided intense coverage of the nascent Palestinian...