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From Time Immemorial, Summary of Chapter 1: The Puzzle’s Extra Pieces

Introduction Joan Peters’ book, published in 1984 and 7 years in the making, began as a sympathetic investigation into the reasons why the Palestinians have remained refugees since the Israeli War of Independence in 1948....

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, Chapter 5: Zionism in the Arab World and The...

Introduction/Personal note: Salomon Benzimra z”l submitted this summary barely two weeks before his untimely death on March 15, 2016. He passed away on a flight back from Israel after a mission to consult with Tzipi...

Joan Peters, From Time Immemorial, chapt. 18: The Flight from Fact

Introduction: It was a privilege to re-read and summarize a chapter in this book. I hope that I was able to capture the nature of the author that permeates the pages: a devoted humanitarian, but...

Alternative Oscar nominees

The annual Hollywood frenzy has concluded with winners clutching their awards and mouthing the usual inanities…writes Michael Kuttner. For the first time TV ratings showed less viewers tuned in to watch this orgy of political...

Unacceptable that tax money encourages terrorism ​

It is completely unacceptable that we indirectly encourage terrorism through our taxpayers. At least one can request from our red-green government is that aid to Palestinian organizations is conditioned in the same way as...

Oacceptabelt att skattepengar uppmuntrar terrorism

Sverige ger årligen 500 miljoner i bidrag till palestinska organisationer. Detta bistånd har ofta kritiserats. Förra året avslöjades exempelvis att ett kvinnocenter på Västbanken, som stöttats av bland annat Sverige, namngivits efter en känd terrorist...

The Palestinian textbook problem

On what values does the Palestinian Authority and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school system raise and educate generations of students? Dr. Arnon Gross, formerly a senior Arabic language broadcaster at Voice...


Decisions made by political leaders and those in authority usually reflect their priorities…writes Michael Kuttner. It is thus easy to ascertain despite any accompanying media spin exactly what their real intentions are and how they...

Australian Handout An Aid To extremism

ON 29 May 2012, then-minister for foreign affairs Bob Carr signed an agreement with then-UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Filippo Grandi, to provide $90 million for Palestinian refugees for...

Gaza ‘humanitarian crisis’ actually a ‘hoax,’ experts maintain

The world press is filled with stories of an alleged “humanitarian crisis” underway in the Gaza Strip. IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot gave credence to the stories this week when he told the...