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ישראל, היהודים והשלום בספרי הלימוד החדשים של הרש”פ מחקר סופי –בשימוש בבתיה”ס...

הקדמה נייר זה הוא העידכון הסופי של שני מחקרים קודמים שפורסמו באנגלית. הראשון שבהם, תחת הכותרת בספטמבר יצא", UNRWA's Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict" 2017 .הוא סקר את תפקידה של אונר"א בהנצחת...

Going up?

Marsha Stein is a retired former college professor who lives in Natick,Mass. , near Boston, and also in Netanya, Israel. Often there’s only enough time for my “elevator speech” when someone asks me, as a...

Tankar från Norge: Palestinska skolor främjar krig mot judar

Den nya norska regeringen anger i sin nya deklaration att regeringen "inte stöder organisationer i de palestinska områdena som uppmuntrar till våld eller främjar hat uttryck, rasism eller antisemitism." Norges utrikesminister har nu en viktig...

Den norska regeringen anger i sin nya deklaration att regeringen

Precis som Norge så är Sveriges bidrag till UNRWA baserat på samma grund och bidrar idag med pengar till palestinska myndigheten direkt och indirekt genom detta som från start var ämnat som ”tillfälliga UNRWA!” Det...

Tankar från Norge: Palestinska skolor främjar krig mot judar.

Norges utrikesminister har nu en viktig fråga på hennes skrivbord. Detta kräver ett stort mod, eftersom det innebär en fortsatt förändring i Norges politik. Den tidigare utrikesministern, Børge Brende, stoppade i fjol ett bidrag...

How to contact the US Congress in an effective manner on behalf of Israel:

The US has taken a leading role in promoting peace in the Middle East. In contrast to the US policy of advocacy for peace, the US... Funds Palestinian education, which has adopted a curriculum that...

Thoughts from Norway: Palestinian schools promote war  against Jews

The Norwegian Foreign Minister now has an important issue on her table. It demands great courage, because it involves a change from previous policies. The former Foreign Minister, Børge Brende, last years halted  a...

S​eeking people who will be liasons to the following legislative bodies

In order to bring our research on UNRWA and PA anti-semitism to the attention of foreign governments, ​we ​ ask people from their native lands to act as Liaison to the legislative bodies in their former...

Palestinians ‘will get what they need’ without US aid, analysts say

Sitting beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Donald Trump made it clear on Thursday that the US will withhold aid money from the...

Pulling US aid for UN Relief and Works Agency also pulls influence

In the wake of the Palestinian Authority’s refusal to negotiate a peace treaty with Israel, President Donald Trump has now slashed a significant part of U.S. aid to UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). While President Trump’s harsh criticism of UNRWA...