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Follow the Money: Swedish journalist Tobias Petterson interviews David Bedein

David Bedein has come to Sweden to meet with Swedish ministers and inform them of the situation in Gaza and the Palestine authority. There donations with out oversight has put children in danger of...

Medel som behövs för att fortsätta Proactive News Undersökningar

För att motverka strömmen av delegitimization riktad mot vårt land, måste Israel avslöja de förvrängningar som sprids av dem som motsätter sig existensen av en judisk stat. Centrum för Near East Policy Research är...

Jews is News

Hardly a day passes when Jews and the Jewish State are not featured in the media…writes Michael Kuttner. Occasionally featuring positive, but more often than not highlighting negative and one-sided reports, one can guarantee that...

Force 10 on the Richter scale…writes Michael Kuttner

Undoubtedly the major and only talking point internationally this week is the election of Donald Trump as President of the USA. For the first time a non politician and non establishment figure has been elected...

Op-Ed: US President Elect Donald Trump should take a stand against Palestinian incitement

In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, Rachel Avraham explains that a great way for the newly elected President to show his friendship towards Israel is to take a stand against Palestinian...

Experts: Over 200 US-approved textbooks teach Palestinians to kill Jews

The violent curriculum can be found in 240 books – ranging from civics to mathematics – in over 400 UNRWA schools in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, experts say. Over 200 US-government- approved...

A Message in Refugee Camp Unrest

Reuters has finally noticed what Israeli papers have been reporting for a while: West Bank refugee camps are seething. And unlike in the past, when most of the anger was aimed at Israel, “These...


Vi filmar PA & UNRWAs skolor där barnen indoktrineras till våld. Vi hyr professionella översätta för att avslöja de arabiska skolböcker som är full av uppmaning till krig.* Vi exponerar terroristers närvaro och...

Hilary Clinton’s record – A dispassionate perspective from Jerusalem

During the summer of 2000, ISRAEL RESOURCE NEWS AGENCY acquired the new Palestinian Authority school books, the first curriculum produced by the Palestinian Authority, for use in the US funded UNRWA school system...ISRAEL RESOURCE...

Shameful and Scandalous…writes Michael Kuttner

As predicted, the Jewish New Year has kicked off with a bumper crop of anti Israel activity. All those naïve individuals who hoped that the United Nations and its associated organisations would embrace truth and...