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Why Israelis Are Right To Oppose the Palestinian ‘Right of Return’

Dear Editor, There is a fundamental misunderstanding in one of the Forward’s articles, dated October 17 and titled, “If Israel Lets In Palestinian Refugees, Will It Lose Its Jewish Character?” The five million descendants of Arab...

DETTA YOM KIPPUR : ETT GEMENSAM hot mot livet på alla fronter I Israel!

Den vikigaste stunden under högtiden Yom Kippur är när människor i synagogan sjunger Unetanneh Tokefs bön "Hur många kommer att lämna jordelivet och hur många kommer att födas; hur många kommer att leva och...

Israel fights a war in Gaza-Yet, the powers that are say that Gaza have...

The Hamas regime rules Gaza and which declares every day that it is sworn to a state of war to destroy Israel, invoking the war whoops of the Arab League in 1948 and 1967. Carmella...

You ain’t heard nothing yet…writes Michael Kuttner

If you thought that this Jewish year just ending was a vintage one you had better strap yourselves in because the coming year promises to be action packed in more ways than one. Predicting political...

Those killed by Palestinian firearms after Rabin and Peres issued “light weapons” to the...

On September 15, 1993, two days after Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres signed the Oslo accord with the  PLO at  the White House lawn,  the Israeli government  announced...

Why the Oslo Process Doomed Peace

Twenty-three years after its euphoric launch on the White House lawn, the Oslo "peace process" between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) stands out as one of the worst calamities to have afflicted...

Game-Changer Abbas UN Speech

The address delivered by Mahmad Abbas, head of the PA & PLO on Sept. 22 at the United Nations General Assembly was a game-changer. The  text of the Abbas speech can be seen at: http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/READ-Full-text-of-PA-president-Abbass-speech-to-UN-General-Assembly-468466 Abbas stood...

A guide to the ten principles of the PLO two stage solution, not the...

PLO War Strategy.  In 1974, the P.L.O., at its 12th National Convention, adopted a “The Strategy of Stages” – to convey the impression of “moderation”, with the Stage I as the establishment of...

Ask the White House to define: What is “Palestinian Land”?

President Obama delivered an address at the UN on September 20, 2016. During that address. Obama asked Israel not to settle “Palestinian land”. Today, we asked White House Press Spokespeople to define “Palestinian land”. There are five...

Utbildning för krig

David Bedein brinner för att övervaka verksamheten i UNRWA, FN: s filial för arabiska flyktingar, där fem miljoner människor nu lever sina liv i ovärdiga flyktingläger. Han har ett uppdrag: Att Exponera den sanna...