unrwa - search results

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Education for war

Quite a lot has changed since 1986, when David Bedein took a year off from his social work practice to campaign against the Palestinian propaganda machine’s influence in the media. Today, his mission has been taken...

DFID is the British international charitable agency which funds humanitarian services around the world....

DFID is the British international charitable agency which funds humanitarian services around the world. Now, DFID has applied strict standards to World Vision because of World Vision's cooperation with Hamas. http://www.jns.org/latest-articles/2016/8/24/in-wake-of-world-vision-scandal-aid-groups-lax-with-security#.V77sjfl97X4 Will DFID apply these standards...

World Vision aid claims are ‘tip of the iceberg’

,” said Sela. “This kind of way of extracting money as well as smuggling and channelling funds from international funds are becoming more common – I don’t think have any choice.” Steinberg thinks...

Efter ett år av Misinformation från Obama-administrationen – US AID medger: ” VI BLANDAR...

Bakgrund: Vårt kontor var den första att förvärva de nya palestinska myndighetens läroböcker 2000. Vi förvärvade de nya PA skol - genom direkt kontakt med Arafat. Jag hade bett Arafat om när han skulle uttrycka...

After a Year of Misinformation from the Obama administration – US AID ADMITS: ...

Our office was the first entity to acquire new Palestinian Authority textbooks in 2000. We acquired the new PA schoolbooks - through direct contact with Arafat. I had asked Arafat as to when he would express...

Arrests of UN-linked agency officials for Hamas ties calls US funding into question

Last week, officials of World Vision, an internationally known humanitarian organization, were indicted in Israel for secretly aiding military activities of Hamas, designated by the U.S. as a “Foreign Terror Organization.” This week, Israeli security...

Israeli centrist leader finds himself alone in battle against UN agency

Over the past few weeks, reports have reached Israel that the new Canadian government is planning to renew its support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The UNRWA helps Palestinian refugees throughout the Middle East, with...


The Palestinian Authority names parks and schools after murderers and broadcasts anti-Semitic hate. I’ve written about a half-dozen times in the past about UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...

U.N. School for Terrorism

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) teaches over 500,000 students that Arabs own all of Palestine—and Israel must be destroyed. UNRWA schools also extol the glory of Islamic jihad and suicide martyrdom...

A window into Gaza’s future – through summer camps

For parents choosing a summer camp in the Gaza Strip, the diversity of options is on par with the most posh American suburb – though the menu of activities is decidedly different. For religious folks...