unrwa - search results

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UNRWA commissioner claims the agency is not political. It is nothing BUT political!

Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner General of UNRWA, wrote an article in Al Jazeera with some whopping lies. The lies start with the headline: Calling them "refugees" is political! There is only one definition of refugee, and it is...

Studie om Israel, judar och fred i den palestinska myndighetens skolböcker som används i...

Introduktion En myndighets skolböcker visar de värderingar ett samhälle vill införa till sina yngre generationer. När de publiceras av en regim - som fallet är i den palestinska myndigheten (PA) - anger de dess långsiktiga politik....

UNRWA Caught Teaching Terrorism, Jew Hatred as Biden Admin Resumes Taxpayer Funding

The United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency is promoting violence against Israel and using educational materials that call for the Jewish state’s destruction, according to video evidence and copies of lesson plans being taught to...

Biden’s Funding of UNRWA Harms Palestinians

The Biden administration's recent decision to provide $150 million in funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency repeatedly cites concerns with how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting Palestinians. The message is clear: The best...

Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA

1.Advcate Policy change as condition for aid to UNRWA. https://israelbehindthenews.com/2018/02/06/david-bedein-leading-fight-unrwa-reform-initiative/ Do not waste time with calls to replace UNRWA.UN will not allow that to occur. Responsible for UNRWA  policies: donor nations.UNRWA donors need feedback. https://israelbehindthenews.com/2019/12/03/model-letter-to-send-to-ambassadors-from-unrwa-donor-nations/ Those who make...

A dispassionate perspective on the renewal of US Aid to UNRWA

The US Government has announced the renewal of aid to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, which the UN created after as a "temporary" entity in the wake of the Israel War...

UNRWA does not create policies on its own

At a time when news of renewed aid to UNRWA from the US, Canada, the UK, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Germany now dominate the headlines, the time has come  for a dispassionate perspective from...

Nikki Haley Blasts Resumption of UNRWA Funding ‘Wasting millions of American tax dollars’

Former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley slammed the Biden administration’s decision to restore funding to the anti-Israel Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA. Haley told the Algemeiner: “The Palestinian aid agency UNRWA is among the...

As Netanyahu Attempts to Form Coalition, Israel Battles Biden Decision to Re-Fund UNRWA

For the fourth time in two years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to form a majority, coalition government. But even if he succeeds, Netanyahu will face other challenges from outside, including President...

Letters sent to each UNRWA donor nation concerning indiscretions in UNRWA schools

Letters sent to each UNRWA donor nation concerning indiscretions in UNRWA schools. Download PDF, click here.