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UNRWA Under Scrutiny – OpEd

At around the time the State of Israel came into being, something over half the non-Jewish population of what used to be called “Palestine”, some 750,000 people, left their homes – some on advice,...

The truth about UNRWA corruption is exposed at the United Nations

Truth at the UN Sharing the truth at the UN? Well, that does not always happen. Especially when it comes to Israel. The United Nations has become a platform for criticizing and spreading lies about...

UNRWA must evolve or dissolve, says senior agency official at end of General Assembly

“Direct pressure” by donors is the most likely way to induce the United Nations Relief and Works Agency to change, former UNRWA general counsel James Lindsay told JNS as the 74th session of the...

A solution for five million descendants from Arab refugees from 1948…who still dwell in...

On I August 1982, the Government of Israel appointed a ministerial commission to deal with the refugee problem in the Middle East. The commission has charged with the task of formulating principles, methods and...

UNRWA Inaugurates the Jenin Elementary Boys’ School Funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia...

Today, UNRWA inaugurated a new building in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Jenin Basic Boys’ School in the northern West Bank. The school is...

At the UN Correspondents Assn: Reform UNRWA Now

David Bedein meeting at the UN to ask the UN to reform the UNRWA charter

Deny UNRWA’s Bid for Undeserved Mandate Renewal

The United Nations General Assembly mandate for the scandal-ridden United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is coming up for renewal shortly. The renewal request should be...

UNRWA ifrågasätter aldrig huruvida skolböcker från Palestinska myndigheten (PA) bör användas av ett FN-organ...

UNRWA: s generaldirektör Pierre Krahenbuhl deltar på en nyhetskonferens i slutet av ett toppmöte för att hantera den palestinska UNWRA-finansieringskrisen vid U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) huvudkontor i Rom, Italien 15 mars 2018. Det...

Warum ist es wichtig, die in den UNRWA-Schulen verwendeten Lehrbücher der palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde ins...

Deutschland, eine demokratische Macht in Europa mit einer weltweiten Friedenspolitik, ist ein Hauptspenderstaat sowohl für die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde (PA) als auch für das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen (UNRWA) für die palästinensischen Flüchtlinge von 1948...

Antisemitismus in der UNRWA Erziehung

Einführung Das Hilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen für die Flüchtlinge des Krieges von 1948 (UNRWA) bietet Schulkindern in Syrien, im Libanon, in Jordanien, im Westjordanland (einschließlich Ost-Jerusalem) und im Gaza-Streifen,die als Flüchtlinge registriert sind, pädagogische Dienstleistungen...