hamas unrwa - search results

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Biden Administration Erasing Trump’s Middle East Legacy

In just a few months, the Biden administration has rushed to undo many of President Trump’s policies in the Middle East and across the world. Since Biden took office, his administration has rejoined the China-dominated...

A New (or Old) Biden Policy on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

As Israelis cope with their fourth election in two years, Americans must wonder what U.S. policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be under the Biden administration—no matter who wins in the Israeli vote. A...

The Biden Administration is Determined to Undo Trump’s Most Important Achievement

The Biden Administration is determined to undo the most important achievement of the Trump administration, that is, its support for Israel’s rights under the Palestine Mandate and U.N. Resolution 242, and for the Abraham...

The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the...

*** Review of The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace by Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf Trans. by Eylon Levy. New York: All Points Books, 2020. $28.99. Reviewed by...

UN malpractice harms Palestinian children

Back in 2017, Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., introduced a House resolution to prohibit “US assistance to Israel from being used to support the military detention, interrogation or ill-treatment of Palestinian children.” It included a...

Happy days are here again

Echoing loudly and joyfully from Tehran, Gaza, Ramallah, Yemen and North Korea as well as the corridors of the UN, UNHRC, UNRWA and the ICC is the rousing song made famous in the 1930’s. Happy...

Wenn die UNO antiisraelischer ist als die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde

Mena-Watch - Nachdem es deutliche Kritik an antisemitischen und Terror verherrlichenden Schulbüchern der Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde gab, die in UNRWA-Schulen verwendet werden, versprach das Palästinenserhilfswerk, für eigene, ergänzende Lehr- und Lernmaterialien zu sorgen, die keinen...

Resurrection time has arrived

I never thought that this would ever happen in our lifetime but miraculously it is unfolding before our very eyes. While Maimonides spoke about the physical resurrection of the dead at a time which will...

What does Biden owe his Jewish supporters?

The election of a new president of the US, Joe Biden, occurred with widespread Jewish support in several swing states. The time has come to ask how the new president can express appreciation to...

Sponsorship Opportunities – copy

Funds Needed to Continue Proactive News Investigations Alerting decision makers of donor nations to UNRWA, that their aid supports terrorism and not a humanitarian cause. Continued investigation and documentation of the Hamas –...