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O legado da política de ajuda ao Oriente Médio da Alemanha durante o mandato...

A ajuda externa alemã sob a liderança da Chanceler Merkel foi caracterizada pela transparência insuficiente. A Alemanha destina dinheiro de impostos a organizações que afirmam fornecer ajuda humanitária, promover a paz e promover a...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

He was the top U.N. official in Gaza. An Israeli TV interview cost him...

Matthias Schmale was the highest-ranking international representative based in the Gaza Strip before his tenure ended with a jolt. During the 11-day conflict this May between Gaza militants and Israel, Israeli warplanes bombed the roads...

UN Palestinian Aid sees Israel as a temporary measure

In order to raise money for the United Nations Palestinian Relief Agency ( UNRWA ), Jordan and Sweden have invited to an international ministerial conference in Brussels on November 16, 2021. The UNRWA is extremely...

Updated internship possibilities: Students or Retirees

1. Report on Intelligence operations of the Palestine Authority.   2. Research Arab cultural activities: theatre, art, youth clubs.   3. Interview convicts freed in prisoner exchanges   4. Examine United Nations Relief and Works Agency  policies.   5. Profile Arab communities in Lod, Ramle and Jaffa   6. Report on Middle East policies of the US and other Western...

Palestinians facing deep crisis and internal dissent amid US aid curbs

The Palestinian Authority is in deep crisis as the United States has sharply cut direct aid to the Palestinians and other assistance to them via the United Nations amid reports of misuse of funds...

Legacy of German Chancellor Merkel: Engaging terror –related human rights groups

German foreign aid under the leadership of Chancellor Merkel was characterized by insufficient transparency. Germany allocates tax money to organizations which claim to provide humanitarian aid, promote peace and advance stability in regions of...

Brasil amplia papel em polêmica agência de ajuda a palestinos

Críticos acusam UNRWA de ineficácia e apontam ligação com Hamas Infoglobo - O Globo - 1 mar 2015 - Page #42

The other legacy of Angela Merkel – a history of allocations to Palestinian terror...

As the Palestinian news portal WAFA announced on September 15, Germany recently agreed to support the Palestinian Authority with 100 million euros, which will be paid out over the next two years.1 Neither the German representative office in Ramallah nor the Federal Foreign Office nor the BMZ have so far published a report regarding this payout on their websites. Aid...