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Siete amenazas a Israel y cómo enfrentarlas

APOYO POR ASESINATO Mahmoud Abbas, jefe de la Organización para la Liberación de Palestina y la Autoridad Palestina, ha promulgado una ley sin precedentes que proporciona una gratificación económica automática para cualquiera que asesine...

Sieben Bedrohungen für Israel und wie man sich wehrt

Eine Perspektive des Unabhängigkeitstags Israels: von David Bedein, der diesen Sommer „50 Jahre in Israel“ feiert. Mit sieben Bedrohungen ist Israel konfrontiert & Wie Israel sich zur Wehr setzen kann Mordanwaltschaft. Mahmoud Abbas, Leiter der...

Seven Threats to Israel And How to Fight Back

1. MURDER ADVOCACY. Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority, has enacted an unprecedented law which provides an automatic gratuity for anyone who murders a Jew. The award goes is...

Points for Presentation: Israel, Jews and Peace In the Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks and Teachers’...

February 2020 Introduction Schoolbooks indicate the values which a society wishes to inculcate in the minds of its younger generation. When they are published by the government, they indicate its long-run intentions. Hence the importance...

Kuhs: Berlin und Brüssel sind das größte Friedenshindernis im Nahen Osten

Das UN-Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNRWA hat einen dringenden Appell gestartet, um nach dem Ausstieg der USA 1,4 Milliarden Dollar für 2020 einzutreiben. Die wichtigsten Geldgeber sind die EU und Deutschland. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Geldes fließt...

Gaza and Corona: The NGO Preemptive Blood Libel Campaign

The following report, dated March 31, 2020,  is sourced in NGO Monitor, an organization which keeps tabs on humanitarian organizations that operate in the Palestinian Authority, which operates under the authority of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The COVID-19...

Lottery time plus reality check

Taking a lottery ticket without knowing whether you will be a winner or loser seems eerily similar to our forthcoming third round of elections. When you purchase a lottery ticket there is no way of...

The moral bankruptcy of a PLO state

Now more than ever, it is clear to everyone that former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Ebban was correct to state that “the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”  Instead of embracing...

All eyes on Germany as UN Security Council debates anti-Israel resolution

It comes as no surprise that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas declared President Trump’s Middle East peace plan “dead on arrival” even before it was presented at the White House this month. Indeed, the Palestinian Authority arrested the one Palestinian...

Abbas’ Palestinian Authority Hurts Everybody

The Palestinian Authority was established in 1994 as the main product of the Oslo Accords. Based on responsibilities outlined for it in the agreement, expectations from the new entity were very high. The P.A....