unrwa hamas - search results

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The Bahrain Conference: Another Perspective

The U.S.-sponsored economic conference in Bahrain focused on the economic aspects of the Trump administration’s Mideast peace plan, known as the “deal of the century.“ Key leaders will convene at a later date to discuss...

World Refugee Day: Perspective From Jerusalem

Our agencies, located on the web at www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com, have engaged professional staff since August 1, 2000 to examine and translate the new school books issued by the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education and used by...

Immigration New Zealand “Fact Sheet” Erases Israel And Distorts History

Immigration New Zealand’s ‘State of Palestine Refugee Quota Factsheet’ presents a one-sided, distorted and politicised narrative of the Israel/Palestine conflict and totally erases Israel from the map. The fact sheet is on the Immigration New Zealand’s website...

Save the lives of Gaza children

Hamas leaders of the 1.8 million Gaza community - 83% whom dwell in UNRWA refugee camps under the promise of the "right of return" to villages lost in the 1948 war - have declared...

Varför Gaza attackerar Tel Aviv?

Efter missilattackerna mot Tel Aviv i veckan: Nyheten om att araberna avfyrade missiler klockan 9.30 på torsdagen den 14 mars mot centrum av Tel Aviv fick många människor att bli chockade. Av någon anledning är...

For Immediate Release In the wake of missiles fired over Tel Aviv

81% of Gazans live in UNRWA camps. The theme of their education: "Right of return by force of arms" Below we see calls to fire missiles towards Israel as part of their "method of study". Seeing this...

Why would Gaza attack Tel Aviv?

The news that Arabs fired missiles at 930 PM on Thursday, March 14, at the center of Tel Aviv caught many people by surprise Yet documentation we show from the texts produced by the Palestinian...

From Israel: Extreme Malice and Stupidity!

March 14, 2019 The air in Israel is heavy with tensions, but in many instances, for the wrong reasons. We are subject to so much nonsense: unfortunate sparring between persons in the political sphere; undue...

UN Humanitarian Agency’s Propaganda War

For decades, American taxpayers have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into United Nations “aid” agencies that went to promote Palestinian propaganda wars against Israel. The most notorious is UNRWA (the specialized Palestinian refugee...

Advocating for Israel at the US Congress and any other legislative body

Someone sent the following query: ”Please direct us to a template for writing a letter to Congress to educate congressmen on why it is imperative that the US condition funds to UNRWA Many of us...