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The real riot agenda

Quote of the day: “A riot is a spontaneous outburst. A war is subject to advance planning”…writes Michael Kuttner. This succinctly sums up the mayhem surrounding the staged, organised and choreographed drama on the Gaza/Israel...

‘Are You Ready for Children Coming at You with Guns?’ Israel Braces as UN...

A big showdown is brewing on Israel's border with the Gaza Strip. Weekend riots turned deadly, and now Israel's military may enter Gaza to stop Hamas terrorists from stoking more violence that some predict could...

Preparations for the “Great Return March” – Update

Overview Preparations continue in the Gaza Strip for a mass march to Israel’s border (the “great return march”). To that end the Palestinian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip have organized a “national committee” which...

Diplomatic breakthrough as Israel and Arab states meet at White House

Despite its White House venue, the significance of a “Gaza Aid” conference on Tuesday went largely under the radar, barely noticed in international media. Israel was in the midst of a now-resolved coalition crisis,...

Alternative Oscar nominees

The annual Hollywood frenzy has concluded with winners clutching their awards and mouthing the usual inanities…writes Michael Kuttner. For the first time TV ratings showed less viewers tuned in to watch this orgy of political...


Decisions made by political leaders and those in authority usually reflect their priorities…writes Michael Kuttner. It is thus easy to ascertain despite any accompanying media spin exactly what their real intentions are and how they...

Australian Handout An Aid To extremism

ON 29 May 2012, then-minister for foreign affairs Bob Carr signed an agreement with then-UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Filippo Grandi, to provide $90 million for Palestinian refugees for...

Gaza ‘humanitarian crisis’ actually a ‘hoax,’ experts maintain

The world press is filled with stories of an alleged “humanitarian crisis” underway in the Gaza Strip. IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot gave credence to the stories this week when he told the...

Palestinians ‘will get what they need’ without US aid, analysts say

Sitting beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, President Donald Trump made it clear on Thursday that the US will withhold aid money from the...

Tunnel vision…writes Michael Kuttner

Tunnels have been in the news recently. Whether it is underground structures designed to bring terror to Israelis, infrastructure dug deep into the earth providing revolutionary transport between cities or our “peace partners” losing their...