unrwa - search results

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“Arson: A New Stage of the UNRWA War with Jews” in Polish

W tym tygodniu, kiedy arabscy podpalacze wywołali olbrzymie pożary w całym Izraelu, Center for Near East Policy Research zakończyło nowe badania najnowszych podręczników szkolnych Autonomii Palestyńskiej (AP), używanych w szkołach zarządzanych przez Agendę Narodów...

Presentation to the Swedish Parliament about UNRWA policy

David Bedein has come to Sweden to meet with Swedish ministers and inform them of the situation in Gaza and the Palestine authority. There donations with out oversight has put children in danger of...

Tobias Petterson:Sweden’s responsibility: Stop extremism at UNRWA Schools

According to a new study from the Center for Near East Policy Research (CFNEPR), 240 textbooks used in the Palestinian refugee camps contain the message of violent extremism. The textbooks have been used in...

How/what to write to members of any parliament to demand that funding of UNRWA...

Nov 23, 2016 From: Date: Subject: Your position on an overhaul of the current PA curriculum applied in the US funded UNRWA schools.? To: Mr. or Ms. Office of Senator/Rep/MP... Dear I call your attention to the latest comprehensive report issued this...

Arson: A New stage in the UNRWA War on the Jews

This week, while Arab arsonists lit massive fires of war throughout Israel, the Center for Near East Policy Research concluded a new study of  newest Palestinian Authority (PA) schoolbooks used in schools operated by...

Exclusive–Video: Palestinian Children Indoctrinated Against Israel, Jews at UNRWA Summer Camp

An alarming new video reveals the extent to which Palestinian children are being indoctrinated to wage jihad against Israel and to hate Jews at United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) summer programs. “We penetrate...

President Trump och Freds utbildning: Nödvändiga förändringar i PA läroböcker som används i USA...

Denna artikel har medförfattare av Dr Arnon Groiss, forskningschef vid Centrum för Near East Policy Research. När president Donald Trump tillträder kommer han utan tvekan ta en ordentlig titt på USA: s Mellanösternpolitik. Den nya...

A25 PAGE EXEC SUMMARY: Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA:...

Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination to War By Arnon Groiss (November 2016)  UNRWA's Educational Activity The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was established following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 in...

Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination...

Executive Summary This paper deals with the attitude to the Jewish-Israeli "other" and to the issue of peace on the part of Palestinian Authority (PA) schoolbooks used in schools operated by the United Nations Relief...

President Trump and Peace Education: Required Changes in PA text books, used in US...

As President elect Donald Trump launches his transition team, he will undoubtedly take a good look at US Middle East Policy. The new President will have to cope with the fact that the US...