"right of return" armed - search results

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UNRWA calls for investigation into Israeli crimes in Gaza

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) on Tuesday called for an international investigation into the Israeli crimes committed against peaceful protesters in Gaza Monday. Gaza's Ministry of Health said that the...

Preparations for the “Great Return March” – Update

Overview Preparations continue in the Gaza Strip for a mass march to Israel’s border (the “great return march”). To that end the Palestinian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip have organized a “national committee” which...

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip continue preparing a mass march to the Israeli border...

Overview Palestinians in the Gaza Strip continue preparing for “the great return march,” during which Gazans are expected to hold a mass march to the Israeli border to make the world aware of the so-called right of the Palestinian...

The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently

The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows. Why did the US suspend funds to UNRWA in the first place? Since 1999, Hamas has...

Editorial: UNRWA reform, and a new beginning

For some, the thought of President Trump’s decision to withhold $65 million in pledged aid to a United Nations agency that provides food, housing, and education to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza...

How to contact the US Congress in an effective manner on behalf of Israel:

The US has taken a leading role in promoting peace in the Middle East. In contrast to the US policy of advocacy for peace, the US... Funds Palestinian education, which has adopted a curriculum that...

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority by David Bedein and edited by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg Printed by CreateSpace, 2017. 577 pp. $24.99. Reviewed by Beila Rabinowitz Militant Islam Monitor Middle East Quarterly Winter 2018 Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and...


Genesis of the Palestinian Authority collects articles and policy papers by Bedein, director of The Center for Near East Policy Research and founder of the Israel Resource News Agency. The author has covered the Palestinian...

Who Saved Israel in 1947?

November 29 marks the 70th anniversary of UN General Assembly resolution 181, recommending the partition of Mandate Palestine into two separate Jewish and Arab states. On that day in 1947, millions of listeners sat...

Should funding to UNRWA be made conditional on ending incitement?

A new comprehensive study by the Center for Near East Policy Research & the Israel Resource News Agency, commissioned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, highlights new Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA schools,...